
Minutes for April 2019

Monthly EC Teleconference - Treasurers

14:00 CET




A.  Call to Order:  Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear.  When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you.

1)  Open with the Serenity Prayer


2)  Tradition of the Month - Tradition 4 Each Group is autonomous, 


B.  Roll Call of European Countries:  

Chair of Meeting - Jeffrey F, Czech

European Committee Present:

Majbrit – EC Chair & WSO Board Member, Denmark

Jeffrey - Chair of Finance/ Literature Subcommittees 

Charlie C - EC & WSO Chair of Literature 

Tanya M - Secretary - absent

Roll Call of EC Country Representatives & Guests:

Frederik - Chair of ABC & AWC 2019, Sweden

Monika - Swedish Treasurer

Chris - France, Treasurer of one of 2 meetings

Syliva - Spain, Treasurer

Kaadri-Liisa - Estonia, no IG

Hanne - Finland, former Chair and now Secretary

Sevas from ??

Pat - UK, Treasurer

Majbrit - EC Chair & WSO Board Trustee updates

Attended the 1st German National Convention.

A challenge with the delivery of YWB be

110 YWBs sold

Well organised and a new group are taking over the event.  

Frederik - Annual Business Convention (ABC) and Annual World Conference (AWC)

Sweden program looking good and no times on schedule yet as there 

330 registered for ABC so anticipate over 400

ABC have over 100 registered with 40 remote delegates.

Many people are joining banquet buffet on Saturday

14 April is last day to order meals.  

60 workshops and speakers on Fri/Sat and Sunday

Invite people on arrival to volunteer to help.

It’s going to be a terrific event

When it was held in Denmark 5 years ago the fellowship exploded and they hope it will be the same in Malmo in Sweden.

YWB will be given out and 500 copies have been pre-ordered.

Questions invited:

There is a special email now to register for accommodation instead


Introductions from Treasurers on the phone conference

With prompting questions from today’s Chair - Jeffrey F

  1. What’s your role; how long have you been doing this?
  2. Responsibilities/activities of the role and approx numbers of hours/month?
  3. First 6 months in the role?  How long has the IG been in existence?  What have been some of the challenges?
  4. What are your goals for the rest of 2019?  Procedures/controls, etc?
  5. What challenges for your role beyond 2019?  Succession planning, managing financial growth, increasing or controlling expenses and revenue from book sales and events?

Monika G, Sweden - Treasurer of Swedish IG for less than a year.  Previously was Treasurer and GFR.  Not in any other programs.  5 years in ACA and has done all steps in YWB and is now re-doing them again. 

2. Responsibilities/activities of the role and approx. numbers of hours/month?  Regularly checks emails and looks after all payments and bank accounts.  2 of them with access to the accounts.  Previously had to 

Does accounts for all service conference and committee.

Also set up the correct accounts and who has access and how to address tax authorities.  Have been registered as non-tax paying organisation (and also in the pipeline for non-declaration of tax.

Does several hours/week and once a month call.

Now doing accounts for end of year.

First 6 months in the role?  How long has the IG been in existence?  What have been some of the challenges?

Prior to her taking role, Jurgen was in the role for several years.  In first year, she served as Vice-Treasurer to learn the practicalities.  The infrastructure was in place but needed to be amended to give her access to the accounts and to make international payments.

Found mail was not arriving and had to contact tax authorities, company registration, etc for the changeover of people.  IG has an organisation number and is a formal entity.

What are your goals for the rest of 2019?  Procedures/controls, etc?

They do accounts 6 monthly for the service convention.  She’s just finished for Malmo presentation.  Her goal is to contact authorities for formal status as non-declaration organisation.  

What challenges for your role beyond 2019?  Succession planning, managing financial growth, increasing or controlling expenses and revenue from book sales and events?

Monika - under questions.  Main challenge is succession planning even though she has the role for 2 years and her predecessor had the role for 7 years.  Wants to find someone to do it together.  

They have a lot of groups and it’s growing quickly.  Contributions from the groups are coming in.  A lot of money was saved for translating YWB and for BRB and the money saved is for printing their literature and delivery in April at the convention.

Pat C, Salisbury, UK - ACA Treasurer UK for 1 year.  No specified term for service but not worth doing for min 2 years as how long it takes to transfer bank accounts, etc.  Been in ACA for 15 years now and also in other 12 step programs.  YWB - studied in Salisbury on Sundays.  Has done 12 steps in other programs.  Not sure there’s much difference between the steps in the difference fellowships.  Feels working the steps all the time.

Routine duties are to report to the monthly IG call every 3 months and reconcile bank account monthly.   Is available at non-reporting IG meetings for any questions about accounts.  Approx. 6-10 hours/month.

2.  Pre-existing role.  That person had also set up the website.   He held it for 4-5 years and Pat felt it was a good idea to take it over.  The reporting system was good and Pat received thorough hand-over notes.  The main problems were getting the correct signatories onto the account and took months.  Signing and emailing this scanned signature.  It was difficult due to banking procedures due to money laundering.  Probably not quite sorted out yet.   Also decided that the Deputy Treasurer role is the outgoing Treasurer which means there’s someone there in case of any illness.  Pat is writing a brief for role of Treasurer and all are writing manual of how to do their roles.  

3.  Goals for 2019.  Pursuing a limited charitable basis so few issues about income.  Another trusted officer is working on that and another on 3rd party insurance so a policy number can be provided for room rental at meeting places.  Have literature issues.  Difficult to get volunteers to do literature as work involved to get literature from WSO.  It was more than work for one person.  They’ve looked on Amazon and trying to get BRB and others printed in UK.  That could be a big issue in UK.  Finding volunteers to do the work.  Just doing the Chair of the IG was difficult to get someone to participate.

Goal is to have a guideline to hand over to the next Treasurer.

4.  Identifying suitable people for Treasurer role is crucial in a year to two and hopefully there’ll be more people to do the works.  Managing growth - they’re trying to be self-supporting and sustainable.  Slowly increasing their bottom line.  Don’t want to be a business or money making.  I’m in ACA for recovery and these jobs are necessary but not necessarily enjoyable.  IG is to help others with their recovery.  Expenses, UK is gradually increasing on the back of donations, using literature as a means of revenue.  Not ot make money.  Just keeping the account ticking over without too much unnecessary expenditure.  Money earned is to aid conventions etc for recovery activities.  ACA UK is growing with 80+ meetings that’s doubled in 2-3 years so 7th contributions are increasing which is why not problems at present.  Not looking for other forms of income.  

Sylvia, Spain - Temporarily Treasurer.

Has an account and as no registered ACA in France is managing a 3rd account.  Makes payments for literature and ensures in balance.

Pays for literature to be sent to other cities.

If there are any web payments, she does this.

Planning their convention in Sept and will fill roles

Want to pay for a translator to get something done.

2.  Brand new IG and had a small amount of money - 80Euros from one group. She has been giving Group Conscience in the monthly meetings from 7th traditions.  Trying to ensure that 7th Tradition goes into the account.  As it grows, to help finance the growth of IG but also to help fund EC or ??  Wants to get clearer about this.  

3.  Most important thing now is that there are a lot of sales of BRB and hope to have a convention.  Think they’re in a moment of time in Spain.  Really appreciated EC coming to Madrid.  Also want to translate another book.  ACA is related to other 12 step fellowships and has to grow.  Convention and translation.

Is is possible to get help to print the new books?

J - yes, we are putting into place new procedures to aid you with that.

Printing will either be in Baltic's or in Spain.  It may save you 20% VAT.

Thanks to EC for helping the growth at the convention and with translation and distribution of the BRB.

4.  Literature is the only expense for

They sell book for 20 Euros which aids income to help grow.  Grow and help Europe helping other countries like Spain was helped.  Printing, ideas or whatever is needed.  Main concern is to grow ACA.  Only have small number of groups in Spain.  Have workshops and want to keep growing the meeting numbers.  

Kris, France to Sylvia.  An Incorporated IG is to provide insurance to the room rentals.  As Spain doesn’t have an integrated entity, how do you handle insurance?

Sylvia - we don’t do that in Spain

Kris - non-profits need a 

Sylvia - maybe when we are registered as ACA … 

Majbrit attended a meeting in Sweden.  They have an app to transfer money via the phone.  BIP is the app used by Danes and Swedes.

Monika explained Swish is the app in Sweden used for collecting donations.  Many people don’t carry cash.  It’s simple and easy to use.

Generally local treasurers use their own account and transfer.  An organisation pays 1.50kc/transaction but thinks it’ll be used at the ABC; simple and effective.

Kaadri Liisa - anonymity/non-profit organisation in Estonia.  People on the board/IG are often

Monika - when you pay by Swish you’re not anonymous.  Within ACA committee your name is visible for person receiving the payment but it’s your choice to pay swish or cash.  Re legal issues and formal organisation we have a small committee and when you’re at that level, you agree to break anonymity to give your details to be the responsible people to the tax authorities.

Majbrit - at WSO - you have responsibilities for the organisation and the Board of Trustees have fiduciary financial responsibilities - banks need your details.  Trustees to fellowship are anonymous but can be contacted.  

Kris, France - what’s involved in starting an IG as a Treasurer?

Pat - I first came into service in Public Service so not many financial insights re an IG.

Sylvia - important to create an IG to hold a convention.  EC came to us with books in Castillian and that led to us organising an IG with reps from each meeting.  Before that we were stuck.  Important to have a convention.  Maybe EC could help.

Majbrit - if you want an IG, you need 3 meetings or more and from financial perspective, there are different rules about rent, insurance and banking but it’s possible to support the groups with service - a wish to accomplish bigger service than simply buying literature in English and getting it translated into your own language.  Literature is important and IG comes together to discuss distribution of literature and central storage place.  That’s where the money goes. In Europe we need to make money on literature to breast a steady flor of literature into fellowships.  Finances, it’s important to agree how finances should be used and contacting local banks. 

Public Information - try to grow with more people in the groups - taking leaflets to distribute and recovery in ACA is deeper. 

Jeffrey - coming from small groups and seeing how things work, it doesn’t take much to form an IG.  Different between IG and having critical mass to form an IG - you need volunteers ready to do what needed to be done. 

In Spain, all the groups came together for the launch of ACA Castilian BRB.  

Jeffrey wrap up - putting in place new international banking accounts via Transfer Wise.   It allows people to pay bills and saving money on funds transfers.

Now have Borderless Accounts which is quick, easy and cheap and saves money.

This is free.

For example, accounts in Sweden for delivery of their books.  Transferwise will take Swedish kroner, covert to Euros or US dollars in their accounts and transfer to WSO accounts.  It saves time, money and is transparent.  No set up costs and it’s quick.  

WSO is now using this. 
If you are paying WSO for 7th Tradition or literature, this is 21st century banking.

Monika tip - when you apply for TransferWise account, have all your ID documents ready will save you time.

Thanks to all panelists.

Treasurers from other countries were invited but were unable to attend.

This has established a useful medium to share ESH and specialized information on the roles.  Let’s continue this later in the year.


Closed with ACA Serenity Prayer.


April 2019

Monthly EC Teleconference - Treasurers

14:00 CET




A.  Call to Order:  Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear.  When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you.

1)  Open with the Serenity Prayer


2)  Tradition of the Month - Tradition 4 Each Group is autonomous, 


B.  Roll Call of European Countries:  

Chair of Meeting - Jeffrey F, Czech

European Committee Present:

Majbrit – EC Chair & WSO Board Member, Denmark

Jeffrey - Chair of Finance/ Literature Subcommittees 

Charlie C - EC & WSO Chair of Literature 

Tanya M - Secretary - absent

Roll Call of EC Country Representatives & Guests:

Frederik - Chair of ABC & AWC 2019, Sweden

Monika - Swedish Treasurer

Chris - France, Treasurer of one of 2 meetings

Syliva - Spain, Treasurer

Kaadri-Liisa - Estonia, no IG

Hanne - Finland, former Chair and now Secretary

Sevas from ??

Pat - UK, Treasurer

Majbrit - EC Chair & WSO Board Trustee updates

Attended the 1st German National Convention.

A challenge with the delivery of YWB be

110 YWBs sold

Well organised and a new group are taking over the event.  

Frederik - Annual Business Convention (ABC) and Annual World Conference (AWC)

Sweden program looking good and no times on schedule yet as there 

330 registered for ABC so anticipate over 400

ABC have over 100 registered with 40 remote delegates.

Many people are joining banquet buffet on Saturday

14 April is last day to order meals.  

60 workshops and speakers on Fri/Sat and Sunday

Invite people on arrival to volunteer to help.

It’s going to be a terrific event

When it was held in Denmark 5 years ago the fellowship exploded and they hope it will be the same in Malmo in Sweden.

YWB will be given out and 500 copies have been pre-ordered.

Questions invited:

There is a special email now to register for accommodation instead


Introductions from Treasurers on the phone conference

With prompting questions from today’s Chair - Jeffrey F

  1. What’s your role; how long have you been doing this?
  2. Responsibilities/activities of the role and approx numbers of hours/month?
  3. First 6 months in the role?  How long has the IG been in existence?  What have been some of the challenges?
  4. What are your goals for the rest of 2019?  Procedures/controls, etc?
  5. What challenges for your role beyond 2019?  Succession planning, managing financial growth, increasing or controlling expenses and revenue from book sales and events?

Monika G, Sweden - Treasurer of Swedish IG for less than a year.  Previously was Treasurer and GFR.  Not in any other programs.  5 years in ACA and has done all steps in YWB and is now re-doing them again. 

2. Responsibilities/activities of the role and approx. numbers of hours/month?  Regularly checks emails and looks after all payments and bank accounts.  2 of them with access to the accounts.  Previously had to 

Does accounts for all service conference and committee.

Also set up the correct accounts and who has access and how to address tax authorities.  Have been registered as non-tax paying organisation (and also in the pipeline for non-declaration of tax.

Does several hours/week and once a month call.

Now doing accounts for end of year.

First 6 months in the role?  How long has the IG been in existence?  What have been some of the challenges?

Prior to her taking role, Jurgen was in the role for several years.  In first year, she served as Vice-Treasurer to learn the practicalities.  The infrastructure was in place but needed to be amended to give her access to the accounts and to make international payments.

Found mail was not arriving and had to contact tax authorities, company registration, etc for the changeover of people.  IG has an organisation number and is a formal entity.

What are your goals for the rest of 2019?  Procedures/controls, etc?

They do accounts 6 monthly for the service convention.  She’s just finished for Malmo presentation.  Her goal is to contact authorities for formal status as non-declaration organisation.  

What challenges for your role beyond 2019?  Succession planning, managing financial growth, increasing or controlling expenses and revenue from book sales and events?

Monika - under questions.  Main challenge is succession planning even though she has the role for 2 years and her predecessor had the role for 7 years.  Wants to find someone to do it together.  

They have a lot of groups and it’s growing quickly.  Contributions from the groups are coming in.  A lot of money was saved for translating YWB and for BRB and the money saved is for printing their literature and delivery in April at the convention.

Pat C, Salisbury, UK - ACA Treasurer UK for 1 year.  No specified term for service but not worth doing for min 2 years as how long it takes to transfer bank accounts, etc.  Been in ACA for 15 years now and also in other 12 step programs.  YWB - studied in Salisbury on Sundays.  Has done 12 steps in other programs.  Not sure there’s much difference between the steps in the difference fellowships.  Feels working the steps all the time.

Routine duties are to report to the monthly IG call every 3 months and reconcile bank account monthly.   Is available at non-reporting IG meetings for any questions about accounts.  Approx. 6-10 hours/month.

2.  Pre-existing role.  That person had also set up the website.   He held it for 4-5 years and Pat felt it was a good idea to take it over.  The reporting system was good and Pat received thorough hand-over notes.  The main problems were getting the correct signatories onto the account and took months.  Signing and emailing this scanned signature.  It was difficult due to banking procedures due to money laundering.  Probably not quite sorted out yet.   Also decided that the Deputy Treasurer role is the outgoing Treasurer which means there’s someone there in case of any illness.  Pat is writing a brief for role of Treasurer and all are writing manual of how to do their roles.  

3.  Goals for 2019.  Pursuing a limited charitable basis so few issues about income.  Another trusted officer is working on that and another on 3rd party insurance so a policy number can be provided for room rental at meeting places.  Have literature issues.  Difficult to get volunteers to do literature as work involved to get literature from WSO.  It was more than work for one person.  They’ve looked on Amazon and trying to get BRB and others printed in UK.  That could be a big issue in UK.  Finding volunteers to do the work.  Just doing the Chair of the IG was difficult to get someone to participate.

Goal is to have a guideline to hand over to the next Treasurer.

4.  Identifying suitable people for Treasurer role is crucial in a year to two and hopefully there’ll be more people to do the works.  Managing growth - they’re trying to be self-supporting and sustainable.  Slowly increasing their bottom line.  Don’t want to be a business or money making.  I’m in ACA for recovery and these jobs are necessary but not necessarily enjoyable.  IG is to help others with their recovery.  Expenses, UK is gradually increasing on the back of donations, using literature as a means of revenue.  Not ot make money.  Just keeping the account ticking over without too much unnecessary expenditure.  Money earned is to aid conventions etc for recovery activities.  ACA UK is growing with 80+ meetings that’s doubled in 2-3 years so 7th contributions are increasing which is why not problems at present.  Not looking for other forms of income.  

Sylvia, Spain - Temporarily Treasurer.

Has an account and as no registered ACA in France is managing a 3rd account.  Makes payments for literature and ensures in balance.

Pays for literature to be sent to other cities.

If there are any web payments, she does this.

Planning their convention in Sept and will fill roles

Want to pay for a translator to get something done.

2.  Brand new IG and had a small amount of money - 80Euros from one group. She has been giving Group Conscience in the monthly meetings from 7th traditions.  Trying to ensure that 7th Tradition goes into the account.  As it grows, to help finance the growth of IG but also to help fund EC or ??  Wants to get clearer about this.  

3.  Most important thing now is that there are a lot of sales of BRB and hope to have a convention.  Think they’re in a moment of time in Spain.  Really appreciated EC coming to Madrid.  Also want to translate another book.  ACA is related to other 12 step fellowships and has to grow.  Convention and translation.

Is is possible to get help to print the new books?

J - yes, we are putting into place new procedures to aid you with that.

Printing will either be in Baltic's or in Spain.  It may save you 20% VAT.

Thanks to EC for helping the growth at the convention and with translation and distribution of the BRB.

4.  Literature is the only expense for

They sell book for 20 Euros which aids income to help grow.  Grow and help Europe helping other countries like Spain was helped.  Printing, ideas or whatever is needed.  Main concern is to grow ACA.  Only have small number of groups in Spain.  Have workshops and want to keep growing the meeting numbers.  

Kris, France to Sylvia.  An Incorporated IG is to provide insurance to the room rentals.  As Spain doesn’t have an integrated entity, how do you handle insurance?

Sylvia - we don’t do that in Spain

Kris - non-profits need a 

Sylvia - maybe when we are registered as ACA … 

Majbrit attended a meeting in Sweden.  They have an app to transfer money via the phone.  BIP is the app used by Danes and Swedes.

Monika explained Swish is the app in Sweden used for collecting donations.  Many people don’t carry cash.  It’s simple and easy to use.

Generally local treasurers use their own account and transfer.  An organisation pays 1.50kc/transaction but thinks it’ll be used at the ABC; simple and effective.

Kaadri Liisa - anonymity/non-profit organisation in Estonia.  People on the board/IG are often

Monika - when you pay by Swish you’re not anonymous.  Within ACA committee your name is visible for person receiving the payment but it’s your choice to pay swish or cash.  Re legal issues and formal organisation we have a small committee and when you’re at that level, you agree to break anonymity to give your details to be the responsible people to the tax authorities.

Majbrit - at WSO - you have responsibilities for the organisation and the Board of Trustees have fiduciary financial responsibilities - banks need your details.  Trustees to fellowship are anonymous but can be contacted.  

Kris, France - what’s involved in starting an IG as a Treasurer?

Pat - I first came into service in Public Service so not many financial insights re an IG.

Sylvia - important to create an IG to hold a convention.  EC came to us with books in Castillian and that led to us organising an IG with reps from each meeting.  Before that we were stuck.  Important to have a convention.  Maybe EC could help.

Majbrit - if you want an IG, you need 3 meetings or more and from financial perspective, there are different rules about rent, insurance and banking but it’s possible to support the groups with service - a wish to accomplish bigger service than simply buying literature in English and getting it translated into your own language.  Literature is important and IG comes together to discuss distribution of literature and central storage place.  That’s where the money goes. In Europe we need to make money on literature to breast a steady flor of literature into fellowships.  Finances, it’s important to agree how finances should be used and contacting local banks. 

Public Information - try to grow with more people in the groups - taking leaflets to distribute and recovery in ACA is deeper. 

Jeffrey - coming from small groups and seeing how things work, it doesn’t take much to form an IG.  Different between IG and having critical mass to form an IG - you need volunteers ready to do what needed to be done. 

In Spain, all the groups came together for the launch of ACA Castilian BRB.  

Jeffrey wrap up - putting in place new international banking accounts via Transfer Wise.   It allows people to pay bills and saving money on funds transfers.

Now have Borderless Accounts which is quick, easy and cheap and saves money.

This is free.

For example, accounts in Sweden for delivery of their books.  Transferwise will take Swedish kroner, covert to Euros or US dollars in their accounts and transfer to WSO accounts.  It saves time, money and is transparent.  No set up costs and it’s quick.  

WSO is now using this. 
If you are paying WSO for 7th Tradition or literature, this is 21st century banking.

Monika tip - when you apply for TransferWise account, have all your ID documents ready will save you time.

Thanks to all panelists.

Treasurers from other countries were invited but were unable to attend.

This has established a useful medium to share ESH and specialized information on the roles.  Let’s continue this later in the year.


Closed with ACA Serenity Prayer.