Welcome to the ACA World Service Organization

This website supports the volunteer service structure of Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families. You can find quarterly Teleconference agendas, committee reports and other tools to participate in ACA service.  Monthly reports can be found in the "WSO Committees" section.

WSO Committees Calendar

Board Meeting with Fellowship(TC)

Recovery Events Calendar 

Volunteer Sign Up form

Adultchildren.org Website

Adult Children Online Shop


WSO Organizational Chart

You can download the WSO Organizational Chart including list of emails to the WSO Committees here.


Latest WSO News

New Policies Announcement

Announcement from the Board of Trustees We are pleased to share that the following major policies were added to the Operating Policies and Procedures Manual (OPPM) in 2024 (in alphabetical order): [pdf-embedder...

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Your Opportunity to Make a Lasting Impact in ACA

Earlier this year, we reached out seeking applicants for ACA WSO board members, and your response was incredible. Thanks to your support, we welcomed five new trustees in 2024, bringing the board to eight members. Your enthusiasm inspires us—thank you! Read more in...

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WSO Committees