Call for Service to the European ACA Service Structure

“I will perform service and practice my recovery by… Confirming that our process is one of inclusion and not exclusion; showing special sensitivity to the viewpoint of the minority in the process of formulating the group conscience so that any decision is reflective of the spirit of the group and not merely the vote of the majority.”
 – The Suggested Commitment to Service, Handbook for Service, BRB, p. 601-2

Dear fellow ACA travelers,

The ACA fellowship in Europe is changing. The members of the current European Committee have already or will soon be rotating off of service. Thanks for service and thanks for starting the build of the WSO European community!

Service Structure:
The new board to be elected will need at least a Vice-chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary - and from next year, a new Chair. Service positions can have two or more trusted servants working together. These are important service positions for ACA Europe that ideally be filled by fellows, who have prior experience doing ACA service and a solid ACA recovery (step work, sponsorship, and/or local IG service experience), including working knowledge of Traditions and Concepts.

In addition, we are looking to establish a structure of sub-committees in relation to MPS, finance, literature, sponsorship, and others. These committees will each need a chair, connected directly to the EC board elected, and additional service work, which is open for all to partake in. These are to be developed and the framework will spring from input from the fellowship, which they serve.

These developments are discussed at the monthly teleconference meetings. We hope to establish an interim transition board (to transfer knowledge from the current board) at the European Convention in Minsk, Belarus, on July 27, 2019, where all European fellows are invited.

Contact and information:
You can get in contact with the current board and all of us currently doing service to make this happen by email or by participating in the weekly ACA European Teleconference, which takes place on the first Saturday of every month at 14:00 CET.

Information can be found at the European website:

[email protected]

[email protected]

ACA in Europe also has a channel on Slack, the app used for service communication by the whole ACA WSO structure: (you need an invitation by email, if you are not already on). Then we can invite you to the European Service Channel, called #europe_service_open

Please spread this call to service in your meetings and among your fellow travelers.
It is a great opportunity to step up, serve, and to be part of shaping the European ACA fellowship for years to come. Countries are in growth after having the literature translated and more are to come! 

In loving Service,
The Temporary Organizing Committee for the ACA Europe Service Structure
Majbrit (WSO rep., current ACA EC Chair), Charlie H. (WSO rep., WSO Chair), Fredrik (rep. Sweden), Marc G. H. (rep. The Netherlands and Belgium), Veronica (rep. Switzerland), and Mikkel L. (rep. Denmark)