Literature Language Subcommittee

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Language subcommittee is to recommend language and words for ACA literature that are loving, clear, understandable, translatable and fully representative of our ACA fellowship.
We do this in order to connect and spread the message, especially regarding race, ethnicity, cultural backgrounds, gender, sexual orientation, people living with disabilities, spiritual beliefs or non-beliefs and other underrepresented groups, like social or economic class.
We do this through reviewing literature, seeking fellowship input, and amending our language through the process of group conscience.
We cooperate with and consider input from groups interested in these issues, including the Literature in development Subcommittee, the Literature Evaluation subcommittee, the Translations Subcommittee, the Content Collaboration Committee and any other committees and working groups that are working on these issues.

When do we meet?

Language Subcommittee does not meet currently.

How to contact us?

You can email us at: [email protected]

Our Members

Chair: Alexandra E- benefitting from unceded Sámi land/Sweden

Literature Language Reports

You can find our monthly reports, minutes or agendas here.


Click to download the Conflict Resolution Tool.


Visit the Committee

If you are interested in finding out more about the committee or would like to visit the committee or talk to someone from the committee please fill in the form below.

Committee Enquiry Form