The Racial Trauma Service Group
Our Purpose
The primary objective of the Racial Trauma Service Group is to provide guidance for acknowledging and recognizing the impact of systemic racism on family dysfunction and the adult child experience, both within ACA literature and in policies and communications affecting the broader Fellowship.
Our Members
Chair: Alaska(CA)
Vice Chair: Willi(CA)
Secretary: Chantelle(FL)
Members: Carlos(FL) and Shanon(NM)
How to contact us?
Contact Email: [email protected]
WSO Slack: lit_racial_trauma (closed channel) or DM @Alaska
ACA 2023 Annual Business Conference, Floor Motion 7
Motion: I move to create a BIPOC working group to acknowledge the effects of racism and generational racial trauma on ACAs. Like the spiritual inclusion working group, this group would develop guidance for the literature committee and broader fellowship regarding issues that disproportionately impact BIPOC members and collaborate with the literature committee in the evaluation of completed projects and revision of other ACA literature to ensure issues of racial equity and racial trauma are addressed effectively. (Alaska -WEB0150)
The Racial Trauma Service Group (formerly known as Floor Motion 7 and the BIPOC working group) became conference approved at the 5 August 2023 ACA Quarterly Delegate Meeting.
Upon conference approval our initial goals are to:
- Further deepen the ACA program framework by developing a resource guide that outlines the significant role that systemic racism plays in shaping family dysfunction and the ACA Problem, as well as how it therefore informs the ACA Solution and recovery.
- Collaborate with the Literature Committee to identify how to acknowledge and outline the impact of systemic racism in ACA literature, as well as further the development of the ACA framework - specifically around the relevance of systemic racism on the family system, family dysfunction, and the adult child experience.
- Identify opportunities in ACA literature to incorporate personal shares from ACAs, focusing on experiences of racial trauma and systemic racism, and act as an intermediary by calling for and collecting member shares as required.
- Advise the ACA WSO (Board of Trustees and Committees) on current and future ACA projects and policies to ensure that racial bias and/or systemic oppression are being appropriately considered and addressed.
The Racial Trauma Service Group Reports
You can find our monthly reports for the ABC/QDM here.