Finance Committee

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to examine the financial affairs of the WSO on an ongoing basis to ensure the transparency and integrity of all financial aspects of the organization.
In doing so, all financial processes are reviewed, and recommendations are made to the WSO Board for impromenents to fiscal policies and precedures, as well as ensure adherence to state, federal, and internationsl laws.
All tasks are done with the primary purpose of keeping the fellowship financially stable and healthy so that the message continues to be carried to ACAs throughout the world.

7th Tradition Appeal

Please read the WSO appeal regarding the 7th Tradtion here.

When do we meet?

We meet every Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00 PM, EDT.
If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact us.

How to contact us?

Our Members

Tamara P., Treasurer, SC, USA
Vice-chair: Sylvia M., Controller, CA, USA
Member: Bill D., General Manager, CA, USA
Member: Brad L., IT Manager, MD, USA

Finance Committee Reports

You can find our monthly reports for the TC here.



Visit the Committee

If you are interested in finding out more about the committee or would like to visit the committee or talk to someone from the committee please fill in the form below.

Committee Enquiry Form

What we look for

We are looking for people with an understanding of business operations,  finance or bookkeeping.