Literature Committee

Our Purpose

Sets literature policy and final decision on all subcommittee matters.
To see the Literature committee's subcommittees click here

When do we meet?

Calls are on pause for a moment while we take time to assess literature procedures

How to contact us?

You can email us at: l[email protected]

Note: All committees are on slack, all chairs are on slack (a private email system for WSO business.) If you are not registered on slack, please contact one of the committee chairs, who can invite you.

Our Members

Chair: Open

Literature TC Reports

You can find our monthly reports for the TC here.

Minutes from the committee meetings can be found here.

Our Subcommittees

We have four subcommittees that deal with various aspects of literature needed for the WSO to carry its Fifth Tradition If you are interested in exploring any of them let us know by filling a committee enquiry form on this page.
You can visit each subcommittee's page by clicking on their links.

Literature Evaluation Subcommittee

Literature in Development Subcommittee

Literature Language Subcommittee

ComLine Blog Subcommittee

Feedback on Exisiting Literature

To leave feedback on existing literature please use this link. Literature committee is waiting for input from fellowship to improve language of our literature.