Category: Member Shared Resources

The sole mission for the Member Shared Resources page is to allow registered groups, intergroups and regions to share what works. Individual members may bring their suggestions to this page from their group, intergroup or region for their consideration to add to this page. Individual contributions will not be permitted. All opinions expressed here are simply those of the group, intergroup or region expressing them.  Submit your Member Shared Resources here.

Please note this is a public posting page only. Therefore no commentary will be permitted. All posts are subject to moderation by WSO and groups, intergroups and regions may also report an inappropriate posting to WSO by using the the contact page.

The WSO expressly reserves the right to delete or edit any posting deemed inappropriate to the intent of this page - to share what works.

Below are resources some groups have found helpful. WSO has not reviewed or approved any of these resources. Please take what you need and leave the rest. Take the best, leave the rest.

Sample Telephone Meeting Scripts

Most meetings are not able to meet face to face due to the coronavirus. A few groups have shared their meeting scripts for telephone meetings to help meetings that are moving to a that format. Transition to virtual Meetings...

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ACA Boundaries Presentation

The ACA Redbook and Boundaries – How to use the Steps, ACA Resources, Tools, and Options to Set Up and Uphold Safe Boundaries ACA Boundaries Presentation Worksheets Posted by Helen W, CA, Feb1,2020, Boundaries Committee Click to...

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Coming to consensus in a group conscience

Group conscience and business meetings can sometimes become unmanageable. I have seen all too often a group conscience be taken that almost divides the group down the middle. The next week the group is half as big as before...

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Meeting Local Service Needs

A dozen of us in Brooklyn have been working on meeting growing service needs in our local ACA meetings. We are experiencing lots of growth in our meetings, a big influx of newcomers, and difficulty getting basic newcomer...

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Workplace Laundry List Exercise

Workplace Laundry List Exercise(s)ACA is a proven program that can help us in every area of our lives if weapply it. We gradually integrate our program at work. Without working our program, we can easily take the patterns and...

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Laundry List Summary

Attached is a single page, size 8.5 x 11 U.S., two-sided document created to include all four Laundry Lists and a short summary explaining them (in MS Word and *.pdf formats). We have copies available at our meetings as part of...

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Examples of Group Safety Statements

Please find below some example Group Safety Statements intended to address predatory or otherwise inappropriate behaviors in and around meetings.  These are provided as a starting point -- your group may opt to use and/or adapt...

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Addressing Inappropriate Behaviors

These are recommendations developed by the National Capital Area Intergroup for individuals and groups to address inappropriate behaviors (including Predatory Behavior) in their meetings and locals fellowship. Note: It...

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Using “I” Statements

Submitted by AL025 as an ABC 2017 Proposal which was approved “Why Using “I” Statements is So Important!”. When sharing with an individual or as part of a group, using “I” statements can make a big difference. An “I” statement...

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WSO Committees

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