What’s the fastest way to clear a room after an ACA meeting? Announce your having a monthly business meeting during announcements.
Is your business meeting or election better attended if you have a business or elections during or after a regular meeting? It seems in some meetings go to the same well repeatedly expecting new water. We just keep changing and exchanging positions. I have also attended meetings where the business is conducted during secretary’s announcements with a timer set for x minutes so recovery is not dominated by infrastructure. We should not be afraid to “bore” newcomers or “offend” old timers for having not stepped up for years. Imho the fewer folks we have that do service the less likely the message of ACA recovery will get shared. I’ve only been back two years but it seems we’ve gotten too pc about making service an intergalactic part of ACA recovery. We don’t really own it unless we can give it away.
Socalaca 630