Concepts Study Ad Hoc Committee
Purpose Statement
- The Concepts 2 and 6 Ad Hoc Study Committee was authorized by the 2022 Annual Business Conference. The ABC’s exact motion was: To create an ad-hoc committee that will study Concepts 2 and 6 and report to the 2023 ABC on possible revisions. Delegates and the fellowship will be notified of the study and invited to join the ad-hoc committee.
- The following motion passed at the 2023 ABC: We move to request a six-month extension, with a detailed update at the next Quarterly Business Meeting, to complete proposed revisions to Concepts 2 and 6, but to affirm that Concept 2 will define the Conference as the voice and conscience of the ACA fellowship.
The following passed at the 2024 ABC:
We propose a 2 -3 year extension of the time, and an expansion of its scope, of the Concepts Study Group:- to refine recommended language for an update to Concept VI to be presented at the next business meeting of the Conference
- to Include considering updates to other Concepts, and to make recommendations to better integrate the Concepts into the World Service Conference and the World Service Organization.
When do we meet?
We meet 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30pm-7pm ET via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 834 2924 8013
Passcode: 90755
How to contact us?
You can email us at: [email protected]
or join our open Slack channel at #concepts_questions_feedback
Our Members
Chair: Rotating
Secretary: Rotating
Members: Charlie H, Kelle J, Josh W, Sue V, Dove H, Kaz
Concepts Study Reports
You can find our monthly reports and materials provided by the Study Ad-hoc Committee here.
Concept Study Materials
Presentation from the 2023 ABC can be listened to under this link
Slideshow accompanying the presentation is available here
Concept Study Town Hall 7th Sept(first session)
Concept Study Town Hall 7th Sept(second session)
Slack Channels
Slack Channel for questions, feedback, and general interest: #concepts_questions_feedback
Locked channel for active committee business - 🔒 concepts_study_adhoc_committee