Category: ABC 2014

We have openings on our 2024 audit committee for 2 new members.  Our committee provides oversight of the ACA 3rd party annual financial audit in compliance with the Laws of the State of California and the ACA OPPM guidelines.  Please contact us through the audit chair gmail account at [email protected]

2014 ABC meeting minutes

   2014 ABC April 25-26, 2014 Meeting Minutes Trinity University, Deerfield, IL          Hosted by West Great Lakes Intergroup      A. Called to Order: The...

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2014 ABC Secretary’s Report

     What a wonderful experience it was to attend the 2014 Annual Business Conference of the ACA fellowship and WSO. It was held on the beautiful campus of Trinity University in Deerfield, IL. on April 25th...

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January 2014 ABC Report

January 2014 ABC Report: The 2014 West Great Lakes Intergroup Chair, Al, and I spoke last on December 31, 2013 and discussed plans for the ABC.   Plans are still in the works for providing a van to pick up attendees from...

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2014 ABC Committee Report

2014 ABC Committee Report Gloria in the office completed sending out letters and forms for submission of ballot items and registration forms to all point of contacts available on the meeting lists.  This is the first time...

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WSO Committees

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