Literature in Development Subcommittee
Our Purpose
Literature in Development Subcommittee establishes working groups to respond to ballot proposals, recommend revisions to existing literature, and write new/revised literature to fill gaps.
When do we meet?
Literature in Development Subcommittee meets 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon – 1:30 pm EST
Zoom:863 2773 9558
Passcode 321456
How to contact us?
You can email us at: [email protected]
Our Members
Members: Alaska in SF., Charlie H., Marcin C., Alexandra E., Sandy D., Susan B.,
Visit the Committee
If you are interested in finding out more about the committee or would like to visit the committee or talk to someone from the committee please fill in the form below.
Committee Enquiry Form
Working Groups
-Big Red Book Revision, Chair Sandy D
-New/revised 12 Steps,
-New ACA Affirmations, Chair Christine B
-Service Manual, Co-Chairs Charlie H and Alaska in SF
-Trifold Review -
-Add Questions to 2nd half of Yellow Step Workbook