Category: 7th Tradition Contributions

The financial well-being of ACA WSO is based on the spiritual principle of self-support. WSO relies on donations from members, groups, intergroups, and regions to meets its financial obligations. The primary responsibility for providing operating funds for the ACA World Service Organization rests with its members and service bodies.

Please click here to make a 7th Tradition Contribution.

WSO can easily accept contributions worldwide using credit cards or Paypal in our online shopping cart at WSO also has an electronic 7th Tradition basket where contributions can be made directly through Venmo by using @acawso for contributions from inside the US. We can also accept Zelle transfers by contacting either [email protected]  or [email protected] for the details. Please let your fellow travelers know ACA depends on contributions to fund the rapidly expanding fellowship services’ needs.

If making a contribution for a meeting or intergroup, please include the meeting / intergroup number. You may click here to find your meeting in the meeting list, or enter the day, time and place of your meeting in the notes space. You can enter “N/A” if you want to keep the contribution anonymous.

Contributions may also be sent by mail payable to:

P.O.Box 811
Lakewood, CA 90714

For questions or problems with Contributions Online, click here to Contact Us  or call: (562) 595- 7831.

WSO Committees