Publishing Committee

Our Purpose

To create a WSO Publishing Committee that will centralize and direct all publishing activities, and ensure efficient, affordable delivery of literature to the entire world fellowship, with consistent business practices and oversight.

When do we meet?

Publishing Committee meets once a month on Fridays.
Please check the committee's calendar for the dates.
Time: 6:30 am PDT, 9:30 am EDT, 1:30 pm UK/GMT, 2:30 pm CET , 3:30 pm SAST, 7:00 pm India

Zoom ID: 857 7189 3168
Passcode: 382777

How to contact us?

You can email us at: [email protected]

Publishing in Process

You can find our monthly publishing on-going projects here.

You can find our monthly translations support-current projects here.

Our Members

Chair: Sue V. (Canada)
Members: Bill D. (General Manager - CA), Mardi M. (MT), Markus S. (Publishing Consultant/Sweden), Marion M. (Publishing Translation Support/UK), Shangreila S. (India Intergroup), Laura L. (VRC and MSC - CA), Nourin (Egypt/Arabic), Ulrich H. (WI/German), Monica S. (Translation Subcommittee Vice-Chair/Portuguese), Rick Z. (Lit Eval Rep - MI)


Publishing Committee Reports

You can find our monthly reports for the TC here

Our Subcommittees/ Study Groups

Translation Subcommittee
International Pricing Study Group
Audio Books Study Group

Adult Children Online Shop

Books also available through your local intergroup or Amazon.

Visit the Committee/Volunteer

If you are interested in finding out more about the committee or would like to visit the committee or volunteer, please contact Sue V. email [email protected]

We need volunteers around the world for both English and translated languages, audio book study, pricing study, writing policy and much more. We would love to hear from you!



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What is the International Literature Fund (ILF)?

A ballot proposal was made to rename the fund to the International Literature Fund (ILF) to broaden its scope to include additional uses such as literature distribution, printing, and translations. This proposal was brought to the Annual Business Conference (ABC) held on May 17–18, 2024, where Delegates voted in favor of the fund's name change and broadening its scope. The fund is now officially known as the International Literature Fund (ILF).

How does a membership apply to qualify for assistance regarding the International Literature Fund (ILF)?

The process to apply for assistance from the International Literature Fund is to fill out an application form, which is found at, and the parameters are set within

What type of information is asked in order to qualify?

The application form, which can be located here, contains a series of 14 questions, which are as follows:

1) The WSO number of the meeting/intergroup/region
2)  The country of the meeting/intergroup/region
3)  The first name and last initial of the person applying
4)  An email address of the person applying, so they may be contacted
5)  Is there a local service group (intergroup) in place?
6)  Are you or your group involved with any WSO Committees?
7)  Have you requested previous donations?
8)  How many members could there be in the fellowship?
9)  How many groups are there in the fellowship?
10)  Please describe your fellowship in detail.
11) Please list the details of the hardship your fellowship is experiencing.
12) Detail how this request will support and grown the local fellowship.
13) Are there severe government restrictions and/or currency restrictions?
14) What type of request are you making?
__Literature Purchase
__Translation Support
__Additional Request

How is the International Literature Fund (ILF) managed?

First, ILF funds are applied for by a group filling out the application form and submitting.

The application is then reviewed and voted upon by the publishing committee voting members, which is comprised of a majority of non-board and non-staff members. After the Publishing Committee approves, it goes to the Board for final approval.

Where is the general information about the grant (who/what/how much)?

The ILF funds are accurately accounted for each month in the Treasurer's financial Balance Sheet report under GL Account 32100 - "Net Assets with donor restrictions" and in the 7th Tradition Contribution report. The monthly report is on the blue website ( at this location: Click on the link in the report to see the balance sheet’s current and previous month.  

Who approves the recipient and how much they receive?

The application is reviewed and voted on by the Publishing Committee voting members, which is comprised of a majority of non-board and non-staff members. The amount received varies with each application, depending on the specific need/request.

How do I know if my 7th tradition donation is going to ILF or general fund?

All donations are recorded in accounting records specifically for general or international literature funds (ILF). The ILF fund is a "restricted fund" and adheres to legal requirements. The system producing receipts has been upgraded to also specify the type of donation.


The International Literature Fund (ILF) welcomes contributions! ACA members from Southern Africa, India and Egypt are now able to have access to affordable and translated literature, thanks to your contributions. A special thank you to our worldwide fellowship for your contributions! We are planting seeds of global ACA recovery and healing.

For registered ACA groups needing support please complete the application click here. Or email [email protected] for any questions.

For members and groups wishing to contribute 7th Tradition to support the publishing of English and translated publications around the world, please donate- general fund for translations & publishing and ILF for supporting ACA groups to have access to affordable literature. Both types of donations are needed to carry the ACA message. Click