Ballot Prep Committee
Our Purpose
The Ballot Prep Committee (BPC) oversees the proposal process – educating the fellowship, calling for and developing proposals, encouraging translations, compiling a Ballot, encouraging the vote, and tallying and announcing the results.
When do we meet?
This schedule changes through the Ballot season, depending on our workload.
Meeting ID: 815 3118 9155
Passcode: 90755
How to contact us?
You can email us at: [email protected]
For assistance with the Ballot, with the Process, or for suggestions for gathering a Group Conscience,
Please Contact the Ballot Prep Committee.
Our Members
Chair: Karin S. (IL, USA)
Kathleen S. (CA, USA), Mary Jo L. (IL, USA), Sue V. (Toronto, Can), Tamara P. (MN and SC, USA)
BPC Committee Reports and Resources
You can find our monthly reports for the TC and materials provided by the the BPC Committee here.
2024-2025 ABC Ballot Proposal Season
The Ballot letter has gone out to all ACA meetings, Intergroups and Regions. The following are clickable links to the Ballots in 4 languages:
To aid your group’s discussion, the following four Q&A Ballot Proposal Presentations (Town Halls) have been scheduled:
- Saturday, February 8th at 9 pm EST
- Sunday, February 9th at 9 am EST
- Friday, February 21st at 9 pm EST
- Saturday, February 22nd at 9 am EST
The Proposal submitters will have the opportunity to present information about their Proposals and attendees will be able to ask questions. The full Proposals will not be read during these presentations, so please read them in advance.
These meetings will be recorded and made available on our website:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 979 7477 1894
Passcode: 13579
Click HERE to see the schedule of presentations.
Voting on the Ballot will begin on February 15th. Links to the Ballot in each language will be sent to all groups and also posted here on that date.
Voting will close on April 7th. Those Proposals that receive at least 66-2/3% Yes votes will be on the agenda for the 2025 ABC in May.