Adult Children of Alcoholics--World Service Organization


Monthly Teleconference

Saturday, February 8, 2014

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266#         Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

A. Call to Order:

B. Roll Call of Board Members:

C. Establish Quorum

D. Guests Introductions          

E. MinutesMotion to approve the January 11, 2014 Teleconference Minutes as posted on the website. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports

1. ACA WSO Treasurer, Mary Jo L.       

2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A

      a. Spanish Groups and Spanish Translations Liaison, Ines

      b. Standardization of Conference Approved Literature, Larry

3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, Gloria

4. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee, Vonnie G

5. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B

6. ACA Website/Database Committee, Scott R

 7. European Committee, Majbrit M

 8. 2014 ABC Committee, Joan B.

9. Executive Committee

     a. Strategic Planning Meeting Report (Karen)

     b. Motions passed at the Strategic Planning Meeting

         #1 To combine 2 of our current literature tri-folds ("12 Concepts of Service," and "The Suggested Commitment to Service") into one piece of literature. Passed unanimously. 

          #2 Motion made to send out 400 ACA Fellowship texts (BRBs) per year to interested counselors, institutions, and/or various professionals via Members and Public Service Committee (MPS) beginning 2014. Passed unanimously. 

          #3 Motion to senda team of at least 2 trustees to attend an International Trauma Conference every 2-4 years to keep apprised of developments by the scientific community regarding stored trauma, PTSD and treatment. Passed unanimously.

          #4 That we adopt a corrective action plan for employees. Motion passed           unanimously.

G. New Business:

Motion #1: To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence to give the staff holiday pay for the three major banking holidays of the year: New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Our employees are all part time and the dollar amount of holiday pay is reflective of that fact. (Mary Jo)

Motion #2: To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence that we adopt a temporary reimbursement policy for travel. (Mary Jo)

Motion #3: To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence to approve a literature supply for persons starting the very first ACA meeting in their country. WSO will foot the bill for a "New Meeting Packet," ($50) plus the cost of shipping and handling. The Meeting Packet contains: the Fellowship text (hardcover), 12-Step Workbook, New Meeting Packet, and "Strengthening My Recovery. This motion is to be retroactive for the first meeting established in new countries in 2013. (Vonnie)

Motion #4: That the Board approve the purchase of 6,000 copies of the copies of the spiral 12 Step workbook at a cost of $16,964.  (Larry)

Guest Comments:


Adjournment Close with the Serenity Prayer