September 13, 2014

A. Called to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:00 p.m. EST by Larry A., Chairman, and opened with The Serenity Prayer. Step Nine was read by the Chairman.

B. Roll Call of Board Members: Larry A., Chair and Literature Committee Chairman; Joan B., Vice Chairman and Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chair; Mary Jo L, Treasurer; Karen R, Secretary; Vonnie G., MPS Chair and Trustee; Allen C. Treasury Committee member and Trusteee; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Trustee; and Martin C, Treasury Committee Member and Trustee

C. Quorum established


D. Guest Introductions: Guests who chose to introduce themselves at this time included (number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis if announced): Susie, PA (7); Jillian, Canada (1); Bonnie, TX (4);Pam, CA;John, Santa Barbara, CA (7),Mona, Chicago, IL (39);Jude, VA (4);MaryEtta, CT (5);Robin, TX (Literature Committee Production Asst.); David, CT (1);

E. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and the minutes of the August 9, 2014 teleconference meeting were approved as posted. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports:

            1. Treasurer, Mary Jo L.,Reports no significant changes in the overall financial picture; reports on the trip to the Distribution Center with Karen (ACA WSO Secretary) for the yearly process audit and met with the accountant; Martin was able to report about comparable budgetary items being off due to some very conservative predictions but that these findings will help form better budgeting for next year for getting the ACA message to the adult child who still suffers; The treasury committee continues to discuss ways to provide better safeguards regarding expenditure authorizations. This item will be included on the agenda for the Board's upcoming Strategic Planning Meeting that will help insure measures of safeguarding Treasury activities. The full Treasurer Report is on the Repository.

          2. Literature Committee, (Larry A.): John M., from Santa Barbara was able to report about continued progress and review in the project of creating suggested guidelines for establishing Intergroups in spite of computer difficulties; Robin as Literature Committee Production Assistant highlighted some of the 20 projects she has going, one including the consideration of the machine translators for the larger projects, also hopes for establishing an ACA Library for digital and hard copies of material and history. The full Literature Committee report can be found on the Repository.

          3. Distribution Office Report was given by Mary Jo; Sam B., Our new Office manager has been with us 2 months and continues to work on providing product description and pictures for inclusion in X-Cart for the new website;meditation books have been ordered; the employee handbook has been returned from the attorney's office and we are looking at less expensive ways to have these reviews done; we continue to look at shipping options. Employee health issues with resultant requests for time off have been discussed and we wish wellness for all. The full Distribution Center report can be found on the Repository.

          4. ACA Members and Public Service (MPS) Committee, Vonnie G.:  Reports on continued outreach efforts to non USA countries and providing information for both member and public; it seems one of the newer meetings (an ACA Teen in Las Vegas) has disbanded; notes of both WSO supported and non WSO events are available on the website. MPS is appreciating new volunteers: Jude, Bonnie and Roe and a call for more volunteers is still there, as the rotation of service for MPS Chair will end in April. The full MPS Committee Report is found on the Repository.

          5. Hospitals and Institutions Committee (Joan B.) There have been requests this month for establishing a meeting in a hospital setting as well as information about ACA Teen; Inmates continue to request ACA Books and letters of appreciation are received. The full H & I Report may be found on the Repository.

          6. Website/Database: Larry reports continued progress on the new website build and states that questions from the Board regarding cost and pace have been forwarded to the builders. The full website/database report may be found on the Repository.

          7. European Activity Report, Majbrit M: Reports she has been ill this month and has not at this time, posted a report to the Repository; she is making preparations to present as an ACA speaker at the European Conference upcoming in Latvia, September 26 and requests the Board to send literature for display and possible sale. Martin was able to share in the report as well and shared that the conference will be presented in 3 translated languages: English, Latvian and Russian.

            8. 2015 ABC Committee, Mary Jo:   Reports continuing to look for locations and hosts for the ABC to be held in April with a call to service posted on the website. Also reports review of moving dates of call for ballot proposals up a few weeks in order to accommodate translations of ballot proposals. We have had groups present as wanting to host the ABC in 2016, but no solid proposals for hosting the 2015 ABC.

          9. OPPM Review Committee, (Karen): No Report

          10. Executive Committee Report: (Joan) No report.

G. Old Business:The report comes as a result of a motion that was put forth at the 2013 ABC concerning anonymity in light of advancing technology. It was put to a Social Media Committee and put forth to the WSO Board of Trustees that there be an amendment to the words of the Eleventh Tradition in respect to the preservation of the principle of anonymity. It was further discussed at the 2014 ABC as to how this could be implemented, consulting the fellowship and returning the item to the 2015 ABC agenda. This full report may be found on the Repository. Discussion was tabled for next month's TC Agenda.

H. New Business:

          1.Motion was made, 2nd and passed unanimously that the Board validate for the record the Board's specific concurrence to offer the audio version of the Fellowship Text (Audio Big Red Book) via Amazon/iTunes/Audible.

            2. Motion was brought forward that in addition to offering tri-folds in multiples of 10, we also begin offering them individually for 20 cents each when the new website goes live. Motion failed due to a lack for a 2nd.

            3. A motion to form a sub-committee under MPS was brought forward and 2nd. The purpose of this sub-committee would be to coordinate communications between established Intergroups in order to provide support for one another, enable Intergroups to provide support more directly with understanding and participating in the support of the World Service Organization structure, and to explore how leadership and support from the WSO Board might better serve the fellowship via Intergroup activity. Motion passed with 7 ayes, 1 abstention.

            4. Motion was brought forward and 2nd to validate for the record, additional expenditures of approximately $530 for the August Trustee visit to the WSO Distribution Center.   Motion passed unanimously.

            5. A motion not on the prepared agenda was made and 2nd to send notice of the change of timeline to the groups and Intergroups as soon as possible, and hopefully get the call for proposals out by September 15, and state deadlines for Proposal submissions to be November 15, and to have WSO Analysis and Proposal Translations completed by January 15th and send the proposed items to the groups/Intergroups by January 15, which gives the groups 2 months to discuss, review and send in their votes by March 15th. A friendly amendment to the motion, since September 15 is only 2 days away, states, "the call for proposals shall be out by September 15, or as soon thereafter as is practical..." Note: the reason for the proposal timeline change is to allow ample time for translations of the proposals and translations of the WSO analysis of proposals. This motion passed unanimously.

The floor was then opened for guest comments, which included comments about some discrepancies in the fellowship text; chain of communications from groups to Intergroups, to Regions, etc.; a bit of history regarding ACA "Regions" in the past, and questions as to whether or not current Board members also are adult children in recovery.

It was announced that the next ACA WSO Board Teleconference meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. EST.


Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made and 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes respectfully submitted by; Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board of Trustees, Secretary