March 14, 2015

A. Called to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:01 p.m. EST by Larry A., Chairman,and opened with the Serenity Prayer.

Tradition Three was read by the Chairman.

B. Roll Call of Board Members: Larry A., Chair and Literature Committee Chairman; Mary Jo L, Treasurer, and Finance Committee Chair; Karen R, Secretary; Vonnie G., MPS Chair and Trustee; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Trustee; Ines Z, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair and Trustee; Martin C, Finance Committee Member, Chairman of the Intergroup Liaison Committee and Trustee.  Joan B., Vice Chairman and Allen C., Literature Committee member and Trustee were absent from the call.

C. Quorum established


D. Guest Introductions: Guests who chose to introduce themselves at this time included (number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis if known): Marietta, CT (11); Robin, TX (Literature Committee Production Asst.; John M., CA (14); Jude, VA, MPS committee member); Paula, CO (7); Gerald, PA (2); Karen, TX (4); Bonnie, TX (11); Katherine, TX (2); Carol, CA (former Board member and sitting in for Pam); Mona, Chicago IL (44); Serie, Alaska (2); Bob J, NC (1); Esther, MA; Robin, TX

E. Approval of Minutes:       A motion was made and 2nd, and the minutes of the February 14, 2015 teleconference meeting were unanimously approved as posted. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports:

            1. ACA WSO Treasurer, (Mary Jo L.): Reports hopes of hiring someone to assist with the finance committee; the net income in February is less than in previous months; states the report shows no February sales from Amazon, but will probably show in March; Funds have been appropriated for hiring some people to help some of the Board members; finalizing the 2015 budget and the 2015 ABC budget; Full report may be found on the Repository.

            2. Literature Committee, (Larry A.): Robin reports on design layout that will work on the international scale, and editing of the Comline's re-launch expected to be April 1st and read report from Phyllis; Ines reports working with Robin on potential Spanish translation of the Meditation Book and translating the 2015 ABC proposals for a Spanish speaking group and makes request that applicants for the Signal Hill office to be bilingual; Larry reports 71 copies of the BRB audio version have been sold. Full Literature Committee report may be found on the Repository.

          3. Distribution Office Report, (Sam): In Sam's absence, Mary Jo reports the shopping cart launch, health issues of staff continue improvement and that procedures for general Signal Hill office tasks are being written, including procedures that will insure safety in the workplace.

          4. ACA Members and Public Service (MPS) Committee, Vonnie G.: Reports continued service to provide members and public information re ACA; MPS is restructuring to perhaps bring a paid staff member on board to assist as Vonnie's term as a volunteer and Trustee comes to a close. Full report may be found on the Repository.

          5. Hospitals and Institutions Committee (Joan B.) No Report

          6. Intergroup Liaison Committee (Martin C.) Reports the Intergroup Committee continues to establish itself as a loop of information, gathering and releasing; is a forum for interested Intergroups to ask questions about registration and website links, etc., as intergroups may be able to help each other rather than going through the center. Are finding some glitches in the intergroup listings on the website. Full report may be found on the Repository.


            7. Website/Database (Larry):Reports the new website has been launched and has more capability; is excited about the new map search for finding meetings and continues to work on glitches. Full report may be found on the Repository.

            8. European Activity Report, (Majbrit M):Reports that European activity is becoming like a full time job; is thrilled to see ACA growth; is grateful for the European Skype meetings that help continue to establish service structure; primary concern continues to be costs of shipping. Full report may be found on the Repository.

          9. OPPM Review Committee, (Karen): Reports the Committee is making effort to meet more frequently and that all have submitted their assigned portions of review; A document with a side-by-side view has been created and now a line-by-line review is being done. Ines Z added that the OPPM review is a serious work, a mindful and committed act of service as it outlines guidance for future trustees.

            10. 2015 ABC Committee, (Mary Jo): Gives a reminder that when groups receive the proposals...they are not voting on whether or not to "pass" the proposals. They are voting on whether or not the proposals should be discussed at the ABC WSO level. The delegates, the trusted servants who attend the ABC will be able to discuss and vote on whether or not to pass the proposals. ABC registration information is on the Repository and the Lone Star Intergroup has posted information regarding nearby hotels and things to do while in TX.

            11. Executive Committee Report: no report


G. Old Business: none

H. New Business:

Motion #1: To validate for the record the specific concurrence by the Board to allow overage for February's $50.00 monthly H & I Committee budget. (Joan, read by Karen) The motion as read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #2:  To validate for the record the specific concurrence by the Board to have the H & I Committee's monthly budget increased to a monthly expenditure of $300.00, with anything over that amount requiring Board approval.  (Joan, read by Karen) The motion as read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #3: That Martin C., a WSO Trustee and service volunteer of the Social Media issue since the 2013 ABC in Copenhagen, be allowed to participate in the 2015 ABC via Skype during the portion of the meeting devoted to this motion, if technologically possible.(Mary Jo) The motion as read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #4: That if it can be logistically arranged, that the 2015 ABC be broadcast through the WSO Teleconference line to allow those not in attendance to hear what is taking place.  All callers (through the dashboard operator) will be placed on mute and will not be able to actively participate in the proceedings.   (Mary Jo)  The motion as read was 2nd, discussed and passed unanimously.

Motion #5: To accept Joan B's offer to volunteer time and service performing the clerical portion of the secretarial duties of transcribing teleconference minutes and preparing agendas and posting such items on the Repository; in the event Joan would need to resign from these duties, the Board shall receive notification one month in advance of the expected resignation date from Joan.  (Joan) The motion as read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #6:To approve payment of the final bill for development of the website. (Larry) The motion as read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #7: To approve payment of the 1st month's installment for maintenance of the web site. (Larry) This motion was discussed and it was motioned and approved to amend the motion. This final motion reads: To approve payment of $1,000 to Centauria for potential upgrade and maintenance of the current website. The motion as amended and read was 2nd and passed unanimously.

Motion #8: To approve the inaugural re-publication of the ComLine on line and via email for free while the Literature Committee investigates the feasibility of being able to sell electronic and or hard copy subscriptions of subsequent   editions.(Larry)  This motion was discussed and it was motioned and approved to amend the motion by inserting the word "quarterly" in between the words "subsequent" and "editions". The final motion reads: To approve the inaugural re-publication of the ComLine on line and via email for free while the Literature Committee investigates the feasibility of being able to sell electronic and or hard copy subscriptions of subsequent quarterly editions. The motion as amended and read was 2nd and passed by majority vote. (0) nays, (1) abstention

The floor was then opened for guest comments.  In summary, it was asked if there would be a more concise list on the new website regarding Board member/Service committee contact information and a list of delegates and groups they represent who attend the ABC; also asked for process of grievances if against a board member. Several were glad to hear the OPPM is under review; others asked of possibility of those not attending ABC if/how they may offer their views; There was discussion about possibly registering Telephone meetings to attend/participate in the ABC in the future with technology advancement and discussion about how a group chooses which Intergroup to join if locality may provide choice between Intergoups. All discussion, input from the teleconference attending fellowship was appreciated.

It was announced: The ABC will be held April 24 and 25 in Austin, TX. The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2015

Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made and 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes respectfully submitted by; Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board of Trustees, Secretary