Treasurers Report for October 2012

Once again, we’ve had another negative cash flow month.  The state of California underestimated our payroll so required a payment of $9,838 for Workman Compensation Insurance.  Frankly, looking at the statistics for the past year of income and expenses, we are presently $22,400.20 negative in regards to the entire year.  The stats are in the insert (click here).  However, our checking account does have $39,033.22 in it so we are able to cover our expenses at the present time, with prayers of gratitude, I might add.  We are purchasing the printing of our yellow workbook so there will be more to sell which of course means more income.  The e-reader profit is finally beginning to drop into our checking account which makes me more grateful.  Larry has the stats on those sales even if the money will take awhile to get into our bank account.  I believe there is a one month lag in deposits for the e-readers.

Please take a few minutes to go over the statistics I’ve included so that you will familiarize where our money comes from and where it is now going.

If you have any ideas on how to cut our expenses, I am open to them.  I’ve sent out the remarks that Patricia has made regarding cutting the expenses so you can look at those too.  I hope you got them and took time to read them.  Our office staff works very hard at being economical however, we need to make some changes.   As you may know, Scott and I will be going out to the office in a few days so we will want to be able to do as much as we can then.  Please forward to us your ideas.

Yours in Service,

Phyllis R.