The Progress Notes are being submitted by the Office Manager and the participating Board members so that the fellowship is apprised of the Staff and Board's ongoing effort to effectively and efficiently discharge their duty to serve the fellowship by carrying the message to the adult child that suffers.

Progress Notes

Weekly Office Meeting

June 20, 2013

Opened with Serenity Prayer at 3:00 pm EST

Present: Chair; Treasurer; WSO Trustee, and Office Manager.

Checked in on Staff. Giving her time to process and Chair offered to reach out to her.


Donate the Van – The donation has been arranged and Staff is waiting for it to be picked up.

Tri-fold assortment – Waiting for Board approval of aggressive Staples pricing.  The warehouse is out of one tri-fold and close to being out of 2 more.  Staples will go ahead and print them as part of the new pricing structure if we give Staff the go ahead to do just that.

UPS Shipping Prices and GoDaddy Shopping Cart– With GoDaddy’s refusal to upload the UPS shipping module, Webmaster has started an analysis of other potential hosts, including leads received from the UPS Solutions Rep. 

Mail Innovations Account – Still a detailed billing issue that UPS account Rep is checking into, but a lot of back and forth on this.  During the call, the UPS billing finally came in electronically. Checking to see of the automatic payment system is working.

Shredding Project: Awaiting Board approval to shred 21-22 boxes of documents.  Everything is over 4 years old and only order related, not financial or accounting related.  The most reasonable quote is $59 for a mobile shredding truck to shred on site and dispose of materials. 

Staff Efficiency - No change. Videotaping to be put on pause until time allows. Treasury Committee to give Webmaster the level of specificity they are seeking for Get My Time Reports.

Bubblewrapping BRBs – Pilot program to wrap only top, middle and bottom layers of BRBs in cases. Staff to complete the "Pilot Project" shipping on Friday 06/21, and are now including a vertical barrier to protect the books further.  After gathering feedback, Staff hopes to resume this new process upon receipt of new shipment of BRBs from Bang. 

File cabinet - Chair waiting on go ahead from staff to ask Accountant to send her to determine what she has that can now go in our locked office file cabinet. 

New meeting packets – Staff has printed the new cover page format. Additionally, Staff & new Staples rep for non-profits are reviewing New Mtg Packet contents to determine how to print & package contents efficiently/effectively (by Staples at new deep discounts rather than producing in-house)

Pay stubs – Won’t know if problem still exists with some employees not being able to view their online paystubs is fixed until 6/21.

Publishing Progress Notes: Waiting for Webmaster to open a tab in the Repository for posting the notes (will be posted as private before going live).

Contact Us email Inquiries: Seemed like less overlap, but this week has been particularly heavy with double notices/replies. Webmaster, Outreach and Office manager have not had a chance to meet.  Staff will email Outreach about some of the gray areas that cause problems for Staff with overlap of answers. 

Office Report: July’s report scheduled to be completed by July 5th and sent to Board in plenty of time for July TC.  

Office Manager's Responsibilities: More detailed information are being included in GetMyTime that reflects Office Manager’s recording of tasks and timing

Office Manager and Tracking financial data: Chair clarified that this request is mainly about Staff getting a better idea of the relationship between sales, cost of goods, and overhead costs, and knowing if we’re running a deficit.  Allen is working on a spreadsheet that will show a snapshot of this information

Approval of Schedule of hours - In-process: Distribution Center schedules being redrawn to reflect Employee who is leaving and Staff vacation requests.  Staff expects to have ready by 6/21. 

Biometric scanner: In-process: Staff discussed w/Webmaster/Tech Support on Saturday 06/15; research online. Made sure there are no static vs dynamic issues.  Determining what the impact will be to our Internet costs – Verizon may cost more, as this will be considered a higher level of business service; should be receiving this information soon. Shouldn’t be an impact on any other vendors.  Treasurer expects to hear from the webmaster as to specifications that may impact her ability to get data.

Worker’s Compensation Claims: The unemployment claim should have been denied. Staff to make sure that vendors and others that send us time sensitive information have our street address.  Treasurer to check with Accountant that future claims are to be verified with Staff and Board so they can be contested, if appropriate.

USPS Shipments: Office Manager sent reports.  She has to manually run these month-end reports for us to see UPS Small Pack (including Surepost), USPS, and UPS International shipment.  We’re the first Board to ask for this type of shipping data. Chair suggested the data we have for Jan. through May is a good sample. Staff asked Webmaster to screen vendors about types and variety of reports we can get. Trustee wants to be able to predict how much time it will be before we double our current growth.

Shelving for warehouse- . Staff directed to begin inquiry into the feasibility of adding shelving into the warehouse, the cost of the lift,the increase in floor space, the increase in shipments from Bang.

Meeting’s move - In-process: Narrowed to two locations; voting at next meeting, hopefully.

Shelving for warehouse – Staff said research was done last year about shelving costs and decision made that it wasn’t yet cost effective.  Discussion about whether price breaks on larger orders would warrant the additional costs.  UPS Solutions team said we could get a forklift donated.

Possible bundling of BRB, Workbook, and New Meeting Packet: Could provide incentive to open more meetings.

Access to Archived Materials. Chair would like access to materials that have been scanned.  Webmaster may open a private area to allow access for historical literature

Closed with Serenity Prayer at 4:35 pm EST