Adult Children of Alcoholics--World Service Organization


P.O. Box 3216     Torrance, California, 90510     (562-595-7831)




February 8, 2014


A. Called to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:00 p.m. EST by Larry A., Chairman, and opened with The Serenity Prayer.


Step Two was read by the Chairman


B. Roll Call of Board Members: Larry A., Chairman; Joan B., Vice Chair; Karen R., Secretary; Vonnie G., Trustee; Majbrit M., Trustee and Ines Z., Trustee. Allen C., Trustee was able to join the conference call during the Literature Committee Report.


C. Quorum established


          1. Announced acceptance of the resignation of one of our fellow trustees, Leanne S., thanking her for her service to the ACA fellowship.


D. Guest Introductions: Guests who chose to introduce themselves at this time included (number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis if announced): John M., CA (4); Martin C., England (2 years); Troy, TN (4); Gloria, CA (2); Pam; Mona, IL (numerous); Laura, Orange County, CA (3 x yr for 5 years); Susan, CO (3); Susan, NY (5)


E. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and the minutes of the January 11, 2014 teleconference meeting were approved as posted. (Karen)


F. Committee Reports:


          1. Treasurer, (Mary Jo L.), report given by Martin C.: There were spikes in both income and expenses, but we seem to be running on track. The full Treasurer Report is on the Repository.


          2. Literature Report, Larry A.: There is continued progress with the audio version of the BRB; efforts at the standardization of the ACA literature continues, Ines continues to work on the project of Spanish translations of the BRB and other ACA literature items, and John M in California continues to work on piece of literature suggesting guidelines for starting an Intergroup. He may be contacted at [email protected] A full Literature Committee report can be found on the Repository.


          3. Distribution Office, Gloria D.: Distribution Office report may be found on the Repository.


          4. ACA Members and Public Service (MPS) Committee, Vonnie G.: World Service outreach efforts continue; a heartwarming letter expressed gratitude regarding a new ACA Teen meeting in Las Vegas. The full MPS Committee Report is found on the Repository.


          5. Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Joan B.: AFellowship text was sent to a correctional facility in Florida, and 10 were sent to a V.A. Hospital in New York. Full H & I report can be found on the Repository.


          6. Website/Database, (Scott R.) Report given by Larry A: Report was givenabout continuing progress of the new website revisions and updates.


          7. European Activity Report, Majbrit M.: Effort is also being made to establish history and archives about ACA in Europe. Establishing a European WSO Distribution Center in Copenhagen has been tabled for the time being. Some volunteers are coming forward and hope to bring translations of the meditation book forward as well as establishing H & I for Danish prisons.   The full report is found on the Repository.


          8. 2014 ABC, Joan B.: Ballot proposals have been submitted, are being reviewed and finalized, soon to be made available for final voting by the fellowship. Full 2014 ABC Report can be found on the Repository.


          10. Executive Committee Report, (Larry A.): A Strategic Planning Meeting was held January 23-26 in Atlanta, GA with 8 of 9 Board members attending. A report was read by Karen R, Secretary and included 4 motions that were made, 2nd, discussed and passed unanimously at that meeting. These motions include:


         #1 To combine 2 of our current literature tri-folds ("12 Concepts of Service," and "The Suggested Commitment to Service") into one piece of literature. Passed unanimously.


          #2 Motion made to send out 400 ACA Fellowship texts (BRBs) per year to interested      counselors, institutions, and/or various professionals via Members and Public Service Committee (MPS) beginning 2014. Passed unanimously.


          #3 Motion to senda team of at least 2 trustees to attend an International a Professional Trauma Conference every 2-4 years to keep apprised of developments by the scientific community regarding stored trauma, PTSD and treatment. Passed unanimously.


          #4 That we adopt a corrective action plan for employees. Motion passed unanimously.


Full Report of the Strategic Planning meeting may be found on the Repository, or for a copy, please contact the WSO Secretary.


G. Old Business: none brought forward


H. New Business:


         Motion #1. To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence to give the staff holiday pay for the three major banking holidays of the year: New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Our employees are all part time and the dollar amount of holiday pay is reflective of that fact. (Mary Jo), read by Larry


Motion Carried (unanimous)


          Motion #2: To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence that we adopt a temporary reimbursement policy for travel. (Mary Jo), read by Larry


Motion Carried (unanimous)


          Motion #3:To validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence to approve a literature supply for persons starting the very first ACA meeting in their country. WSO will foot the bill for a "New Meeting Packet," ($50) plus the cost of shipping and handling. The Meeting Packet contains: the Fellowship text (hardcover), 12-Step Workbook, New Meeting Packet, and "Strengthening My Recovery. This motion is to be retroactive for the first meeting established in new countries in 2013. (Vonnie)


Motion Carried (unanimous)


       Motion #4: That the Board approve the purchase of 6,000 copies of the copies of the spiral 12 Step workbook at a cost of $16,964. (Larry)


Motion Carried (unanimous)


Guest Comments: A guest asked about guidelines concerning safety and etiquette in phone bridge meetings. Another invited guests to contact him if there was input on starting Intergroups. Another asked about literature to answer common questions such as how ACA differs from other 12-Step programs. Another mentioned inconsistencies in the webpage information and the literature information and another guest asked if it would be acceptable to set up a "general service table" at an ACA Convention being held in California.


Announcements: The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled for March 8, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. EST. We also will be having the 2014 Annual Business Conference being the last weekend of April (25-27, 2014) at the campus of Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL outside of Chicago, IL.


Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made and 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 2:23 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.


Minutes respectfully submitted by; Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board of Trustees, Secretary