The Call for Proposals typically closes at the end of November each year. Each Proposal, with the addition of an analysis from WSO, is placed on a Ballot and sent to all groups in mid January.  Each meeting group, Intergroup and Region is asked to discuss and vote on whether or not they believe the proposals merit discussion at the upcoming ABC. Proposals that receive at least a 60% affirmative vote are placed on the Conference agenda in April.

The person responsible for helping the group through the Ballot may be the ABC Delegate, the Intergroup Rep, the group secretary, the group's WSO contact, or other designated person.  The number of proposals fluctuates each year. The following are suggestions to consider:

  • Set aside one or more times, outside of your regular meeting time, to discuss the proposals.  Some groups also choose to cover one or two proposals during their group's regular announcement time, although in the interest of time this is a less frequent option.
  • In advance of this discussion, print or email copies of the Ballot for members to read on their own.

Submit the completed Ballot to WSO by the deadline at the end of March.

If you are the ABC Delegate for your group, either in-person or remote, register as a voting Delegate on the website, if you have not already done so.

  • Know your group’s opinion on the proposals so that you are voting your group’s conscience.  However, your group should understand your vote may change, based on additional information you receive from discussions at the ABC.
  • After the ABC, report back to your group, either in a written or oral report, depending on your group’s preference.

Consider offering a short essay on some aspect of your experience, to be published in the ACA newsletter, the Comline.

Please note:  Teleconference training on the Delegate role are presented in April, prior to the ABC. All registered delegates will receive notification of scheduled training. Additionally, a link to the  delegate training schedule will be posted in March, at

Questions regarding the Ballot and Proposals may be directed to the Ballot Prep Committee at [email protected].

Questions about being a Delegate may be directed to the Delegate Training Subcommittee at [email protected].


This document was updated 2-2-2020