DTSC February 2020 Report

Co-Chairs Cheryl F. and Erin D.

The Traditions 4, 5, & 6 Skits that have been recorded by the Oaks Recovery Fellowship group will be posted on the website by March 17, 2020.

The Doodly Program has been purchased by the IT Committee to be used to support committees.  We have a call for service looking for members who would be interested in putting together the animation of the Tradition Skits using this program.

The 2020 & 2019 registered delegates have been contacted via an email blast.  The Remote Delegate training sessions have been scheduled for Sunday March 29 at 12:00 pm EST, Saturday AprIL 4 at 10:00 am EST, Sunday AprIL 12 at 10:00 am EST.  This information was included in the March 2020 Traveler.

We have decided to host a “Meet & Greet” for the Delegates on Wednesday April 22 from 7 – 8:30pm.  This will be a new experience at the ABC.

We have begun working on our mock proposal for the ABC Thursday AM training session.

We are awaiting the update on the modifications of Robert’s Rules for 2020 and will post them on the delegate training home page by March 17, 2020.

We are working on our committee table information for the ABC.

ABC binder revisions are in progress.

The Delegate Training Sub-Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 3pm.  You may contact us at [email protected]