Event Series DCOC Meeting

DCOC Meeting

Distribution Center Oversight Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 4pm Eastern time. Contact [email protected] for teleconference details https://acawso.org/category/dist-ctr-oversight/

Event Series DCOC Meeting

DCOC Meeting

Distribution Center Oversight Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 4pm Eastern time. Contact [email protected] for teleconference details https://acawso.org/category/dist-ctr-oversight/

ABC/AWC Committee

Meets monthly on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 12pm Eastern on Zoom 2. Contact [email protected] for more details. Monthly reports posted at https://acawso.org/category/abc-committee/ Zoom meeting ID:  364 680 530