Event Series ABC Study

ABC Study

Please see our subcommittee homepage for more information This Study Group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meeting details: https://zoom.us/j/99370360615?pwd=cTNYZVNEd0ZFaWFEeCtPZEZCS2F5UT09 Meeting ID: 993 7036 0615 Passcode: 182011 If you have […]

Quarterly Delegate Meeting

The Quarterly Delegate Meeting will occur on the 17th August between 9am-1pm ET. Email invites will be sent to all registered delegates a few days before the event

Event Series ABC/AWC Committee

ABC/AWC Committee

The ABC/AWC committee meets first and third Saturday at 10:30AM EDT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87582913615?pwd=dWpPNVJPcVNiVjJxbGgzbFVwY05EZz09 Meeting ID: 875 8291 3615 Passcode: ABC2022 Contact [email protected] for more details. Monthly reports posted at https://acawso.org/category/abc-committee/

Event Series Comline SubCommittee

Comline SubCommittee

Comline Subcommittee meets the third Saturday of the month at 2:00pm ET (US) We are currently working on developing an ACA blog. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85733515540?pwd=amV0K0ZIVXAwWDltdkViVEFnczlUQT09 Meeting ID: 857 3351 […]

ACA Play Day in the Woods – Exploring Promise 7

ACA Play Day In the Woods Sunday August 18, 2024 Fort Washington State Park Militia Hill Pavilion 3 We will plan the meetings, speakers etc You bring a picnic lunch, […]

Event Series IT Committee

IT Committee

IT Committee meets weekly on Monday at 4:00pm ET (US) contact: [email protected] Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89520227175 Meeting ID: 895 2022 7175 Passcode: 90755 One tap mobile +19292056099,,89520227175# US (New York) […]

Event Series ABC Study

ABC Study

Please see our subcommittee homepage for more information This Study Group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meeting details: https://zoom.us/j/99370360615?pwd=cTNYZVNEd0ZFaWFEeCtPZEZCS2F5UT09 Meeting ID: 993 7036 0615 Passcode: 182011 If you have […]

Event Series ABC Study

ABC Study

Please see our subcommittee homepage for more information This Study Group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meeting details: https://zoom.us/j/99370360615?pwd=cTNYZVNEd0ZFaWFEeCtPZEZCS2F5UT09 Meeting ID: 993 7036 0615 Passcode: 182011 If you have […]

ABC Sustainability Sub-Committee

Everyone welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91045736882 Meeting ID: 910 4573 6882 Passcode: 992748 

Ballot Prep Q&A – 7 AM ET

If your group, intergroup or region has a suggestion for how to improve ACA/DF, now is the time to craft it into a Ballot Proposal.   And if you have questions […]

Ballot Prep Q&A 7 PM ET

If your group, intergroup or region has a suggestion for how to improve ACA/DF, now is the time to craft it into a Ballot Proposal.   And if you have questions […]

Labor Day Marathon Meeting

Holiday Marathon Meeting Please see the flyer for details. Sponsored by TEL0427