ACA WSO Web/database Report for the December 2012 Teleconference.

The web site activity continues to grow. In November, we averaged 1395 unique visitors per day, a 14% increase over last month.

At the direction of the WSO Board, a number of currently registered meetings were removed from the WSO ACA meeting list in November due to their failure to follow the ACA Steps and Traditions. The WSO Board reaffirmed the expectation for all registered ACA meetings to follow the ACA Steps and Traditions to the best of their ability. As a result, the number of registered meetings on the meeting list was reduced to 1122 listed meetings. On the positive side, this number includes 10 new meetings being registered, plus another 51 meeting updates being processed during November.

I continue to update the layout of the “Repository”. I am slowly moving the critical information currently on the forum to the Repository, and working with the WSO Board and Committee chairs in putting their Teleconference reports into the Repository.

I’ve updated the web site ABC page to announce the 2013 ABC in Birkerød, near Copenhagen, Denmark, along with some hotels in the proximity suggested by the ABC committee. I continue to work with the ABC Committee to keep the web site’s ABC page current with the latest information. Thus far we have received five proposals for possible consideration at the ABC. I expect more proposals to come in this month as the deadline for their submission is not until the end of December. We also have one ACA member registered to attend. To help the ABC Committee planning efforts, I want to encourage all those planning to attend to submit their registration (especially WSO Board members). Since we are allowing paper submission and registrations to be mailed to either Signal Hill or Copenhagen, the committee and I agreed that all paper submission received at either location will be manually entered in to the web database so that the database will become the single point reflecting all submissions.

Kelso continues with the development for the “back-end” of the meeting update software. This will ultimately replace the current online meeting and Inter Group registration forms as well as the MS Access database held at the office. This will greatly simplify the meeting update process and should integrate well with the ”front-end” web meeting list once that is transferred from to

Based on board approval, I have completed the Non-Disclosure Agreement proposed by David and have sent him a copy. I’ve planned to work with David in moving the software to our host web site and the domain, however in view of my current work schedule, that task will now be delayed until January.

Phyllis and I visited the Signal Hill office in November to review the various processes being done. We continue to work with the staff to get computers networked, and the UPS and T-HUB processes implemented, along with discussing other ideas for ways to improve the office efficiency.

Scott R.

ACA WSO Webmaster