
Monthly Teleconference

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266# 

Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

You can also attend the Teleconference using your computer.  Click here for information.

A. Call to Order: Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear. When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you.

     1) Open with the Serenity Prayer

     2) Concept 6: On behalf of ACA as a whole, our Annual Business Conference has the principle responsibility for the maintenance of our world services, and it traditionally has the final decision respecting large matters of general policy and finance. But the Annual Business Conference also recognizes that the chief initiative and the active responsibility in most of these matters would be exercised primarily by the Trustee members of the World Service Organization when they act among themselves as the World Service Organization of Adult Children of Alcoholics.

B. Roll Call:

    1) Board Members Present:

    2) Establish Quorum:

    3) Introduce Committee Chairpersons:

    4) Welcome guests; After the introductions, we respectfully ask that guests hold their comments until the end of our meeting. To allow all of the visitors to have a chance to     share, we will limit guest comments to 3-5 minutes. If someone needs to talk further, they may do so after the close of the meeting. Only board members may talk while we have discussions. Introduction of Guests:

C. Minutes: Motion to approve the May 11, 2013 Teleconference Minutes

D. Monthly Reports (5 minutes each)

     1. ACA WSO Treasurer, MaryJo

     2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A

     3. ACA WSO Office Report, DiAnne A

          3a.  Progress on Special Office tasks (Larry)

               1) A letter has been sent out and the ACA meeting that has been using our warehouse as a meeting space should be moved within 4 weeks in order to open up more space in the warehouse.

                    2) Prices were adjusted and single order items were eliminated to increase efficiency.  (This has already been done with the tri-folds)

     4. ACA WSO Outreach Committee, Vonnie G

     5. ACA Website/Database Committee, Scott R  (There is a procedure posted on the Repository by Scott that enables people to connect to our teleconferences via their commputers without using Skype)

      6. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B

      7. European Committee,

      8. Executive Committee Report, Larry A.

          Item a.)The Executive Committee approved with full board agreement, to buy QuickBooks Premier for $245 before the discount expired on 5/28/13.  It will be stored in our accountant's vault and will allow up to three people access to financial reports.  An upgrade should not be required for three years.           

E. Old Business:

       1. Motion made by Larry as Literature Chairman and 2nd by MaryJo to approve the expenditure of $2,960 for the audio version of the BRB.

          Background: The audio BRB was donated to us last year and the production company is asking for a partial payment before finalizing the audio BRB (Larry as Literature Chair)

F. New Business:

         Item 1. The Social Media Committee, which was formed at the 2013 ABC has named Martin C. as its Chairperson. This committee has 5 volunteer trusted servants from around the globe and has established a method of committee discussion/communication via computer.

         Motion #1: To nominate Majbrit M as Chairperson of the European Committee of the   ACA WSO. (Larry)           

         Background: The European Committee was formally adopted at the May 11, 2013 Teleconference and Majbrit has expressed a desire to stand for the position of Chair.       She has extensive experience with the ACA fellowship at both group and Intergroup levels in Denmark, as well as with ACA teen groups. A full description of qualifications and desires for service in our fellowship is on file with the WSO Secretary.

         Motion #2: To approve the expenditure of $4, 530 to produce 2,000 each of the "Cross Talk" and "Good Enough" booklets (5 1/2 x 8"), and place them for sale at $4 each.  (Larry as Literature Chair)

         Background: These booklets were approved for production and sale by the delegates at the 2013 ABC after having been approved for circulation to the fellowship at the 2012 ABC. The Board has considered the various sizes and costs, and this motion reflects the general consensus of the Board.

          Motion #3:  To authorize the donation of the van to Wheels for Wishes. (MaryJo)     

          Background:  The van was originally purchased to transport books to the Post Office.  UPS picks up from the office and there is no longer any need for a van (which has been parked for a while in our parking space in the Signal Hill home office.)

          Motion #4:  To approve the purchase of a Biometric Scanner for the Distribution Center.  (Larry)

           Background:  The Board is responsible for keeping track of employee time records.  The biometric scanner will be remotely accessible by the Treasurer and Accountant to keep these records and verify employee hours worked.  It will greatly reduce the workload in doing payroll and our accountant has offered to pay $250 of the cost.  Our remaining balance could be up to $300.00 more.  


Guest Comments:

Announcements: The next ACA WSO Teleconference is scheduled for July 13, 2013at 2:00pm EST

Adjournment:  Close with the Serenity Prayer

Respectfully Prepared

Karen Ragan, ACA WSO Secretary