Adult Children of Alcoholics--World Service Organization


Monthly Teleconference

Saturday, March 8, 2014

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266#         Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

A. Call to Order:

B. Roll Call of Board Members:         

C. Establish Quorum

D. Guests Introductions:

E. Minutes: Motion to approve the February 8, 2014 Teleconference Minutes as posted on the website. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports 

          1. ACA WSO Treasurer, Mary Jo L.       

         2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A

             a. Standardization of Conference Approved Literature, Larry

             b. Spanish Groups and Spanish Translations Liaison, Ines

          3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, Gloria

          4. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee, Vonnie G

          5. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B

          6. ACA Website/Database Committee, Scott R

          7. European Committee, Majbrit M

          8. 2014 ABC Committee, Joan B.

         9. Executive Committee,

G. Old Business

H. New Business:


Motion #1: The Board approve the purchase of a counting scale for about $350.00 and a folding machine for about $400.00 for the distribution center. (Larry)

Background: The time and cost of counting the inventory or counting merchandise for mailing will be cut significantly with a counting scale and the folding machine will allow us to send out the tri-folds in a finished form.

Guest Comments:

Announcements: The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled for April 12, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. EST. The 2014 Annual Business Conference will be the last weekend of April (25-27, 2014) at the campus of Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL outside of Chicago, IL.

Adjournment and close with the Serenity Prayer

Respectfully prepared,

Karen Ragan, ACA WSO Secretary