
Monthly Teleconference

Saturday, July 14, 2014

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266#   Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

A. Call to Order:

          1) Open with the Serenity Prayer

          2) Step 6: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

B. Roll Call of Board Members:Larry A., Chair, and Literature Committee Chairperson; Joan B., Vice Chair and Hospital and Institutions Committee Chair; Mary Jo L., Treasurer; Karen R, Secretary; Vonnie G., MPS Chair and Trustee; Allen C., Treasury Committee Member and Trustee; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Trustee; Ines Z, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair and Trustee, and Martin C, Treasury Committee member and Trustee

C. Establish Quorum

D. Guests Introductions:

E. Minutes: Motion to approve the June 14, 2014 Teleconference Minutes as posted on the website. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports:

1. ACA WSO Treasurer, Martin C.

2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A

                    a. Audio Book Project (Larry)

                    b. Spanish Groups and Spanish Translations Liaison, Ines

                   c. Intergroup Guidelines Literature (John M)

3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, Gloria

4. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee,Vonnie G

5. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B

6. ACA Website Update , Larry A.

 7. European Committee, Majbrit M

 8. 2015 ABC Committee, Mary Jo

9. OPPM Review Committee, Karen

 10. Executive Committee, Joan B.

G. Old Business:

H. New Business:

Motion #1: That the Board validate for the record the Board's specific concurrence to spend $259 to have the ACA Conference Approved Literature, titled "ACA Is..." translated into Arabic. (Larry)

Background: For over two years, the Literature Committee has tried to find someone who would translate "ACA Is..." into Arabic to no avail. We were able to get a Hebrew translation done for free. The hope is that once this is done and available, we might attract Arabic seeking ACA members to our groups and to translate the rest of our literature.

Motion 2: That the Board validate for the record the specific concurrence to authorize the Chair to respond to the letter concerning a law suit against a group's trusted servant. (Larry)

Background:  The Board received a letter from an attorney concerning a lawsuit involving a group's trusted servant and the Board wants to respond to the letter by clearly stating that ACA WSO has no liability as regards autonomous groups' trusted servants.                           

Motion #3: Move to validate for the record the Board's specific concurrence to change the wording on the website point of contact confidentiality page to read as follows:

"Note: Contact person information is confidential and is to be used for inquiries about that specific meeting. It is not okay to use email addresses to send flyers or to promote events. See the events page to find out how to post your event and flyer.

To access contact person information, click on the 'I agree' button below.

Accessing this information implies an agreement to maintain confidentiality and only use contact information for registered ACA related purposes." (Vonnie)

Background: Due to a consistent use of points of contacts for group emails or sending flyers or promoting events, the wording on the confidentiality page should be changed to offer more guidance to people using the points of contacts and to direct people where to go when promoting events. The fellowship has reached out to WSO several times because of receiving unwanted emails.

Motion #4: That the Board validate on the record the Board's specific concurrence to have the audio-BRB produced on flash drives and sent to the Signal Hill office for the staff to send it to the Board members. (Larry)

Background: The completed audio BRB was received several weeks ago, but the Literature Chair has been unable to produce copies to distribute to the Board members. With the a-BRB on a flash drive, the Literature Committee can also upload it on the distribution system to be determined by the Board.

Motion #5: That the Board validate for the record the specific concurrence to hire an Office Manager for the Distribution Center. (Mary Jo)

Background: The Board Chair and Treasurer have been overseeing the Distribution Center since our previous Office Manager left in 2013. However, there are too many aspects of work and personnel management that can no longer be effectively handled remotely. This makes it essential to hire someone who will be on site.


Motion #6: That the Board validate for the record the Board's specific concurrence to expend $5,000 on the new website. (Larry)


Background: The agreement we have with Centauria requires us to pay in advance for services to be rendered once the retainer falls below 90%. Of the $5,000 being requested, $2,385 represents bills from third party vendors (Rackspace, etc.) and labor, meaning we are paying them $2, 615 for direct work foreseeable work on the website.


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