Literature Report
October 2014

Call for Volunteers – Allen C., Trustee, Linda and Suzie have joined the Literature committee. 

Summary – During September, the Literature Committee worked on the web site rebuild, exploring the possibility of offering a discount of literature to registered intergroups, and 4x4 edits.

Multilingual Translations

The LCPA has quotes from two vendors for Machine Translation for translation of the Fellowship Text into Polish.. LCPA has also received the fellowship text translated into Japanese; this text will be forwarded for verification once the Japanese index is delivered. LCPA has also contacted one (US) vendor regarding printing and shipping costs of Japanese Fellowship Text to Japan, and will contact additional vendors for international production and shipping solutions.

4x4 – Literature Committee 4x4 is in final copyedit before membership review.

e-BRB sales for September were 245 e-books sold.  All tolled, there have been 5,950 e-BRBs sold.

Literature Committee Production Assistant (LCPA) activities:

  • Worked with Russian group to clarify need for and purpose of Translation Agreement; received 7 translated documents: The Tool Bag, ACA Sponsorship, Suggested Commitment to Service, Identity Papers, Hosting an ACA Workshop, Hospitals and Institutions, Conducting a Business Meeting
  • Corresponded with Turkish member to clarify multicultural groups’ conscience approaches to translation of American idiomatic vernacular, e.g. “The Laundry List”; explained need for and purpose of Translation Agreement; received 6 translated documents: Adult Children Promises, Sample Meeting template, Laundry List, 12 Traditions, 12 Steps, Serenity Prayer
  • Revised “Strengthening My Recovery” to larger format
  • Developed a translation starter kit for Adult Children seeking to translate literature. Documents include:

- Translation Agreement
- ACA Is…
- The 12 Traditions of ACA
- The 12 Steps of ACA
- The Problem
- The Solution
- The Promises
- Frequently Asked Questions

Sincerely yours in service,

Larry A., Literature Chair, ACA WSO Trustee

Ines, Z., Trustee, Spanish Translation and Group Liaison

Allen C., Trustee

John M., Intergroup Guideslines Trusted Servant

Linda W., Editor

Suzy, Editor

Robin R., Staff, Literature Committee Production Assistant

From a space of love, I give service in ACA so that every Adult Child seeking recovery may find a safe place.