February 2015

If you are interested in helping to shape the future of ACA, and wish to do service from a space of love, please contact the Literature Committee by using the Contact Us link on the website.

Phyllis R. chaired an organizational meeting for the revived ComLine January 24. Cheryl H. designed the first draft; Cheryl and Robin R will work on finalizing and standardizing a template for digital delivery via PDF.

The focus of the relaunched (April) edition will be on STEPS 4 – 6 and TRADITIONS 4 – 6. Other topics may include how to donate, finding a local meeting, how to submit ComLine articles, a possible “events” page, and other ACA recovery related topics. We have drafted an email to our translation groups inviting them to include foreign language shares.

Submissions deadline for the April issue is Sunday, March 1.

Website Rebuild
The “go live” target date is for the website rebuild is pending final updates. We uploaded translated standardized literature in both A4 and Letter-sized PDFs to the new site. We also updated and uploaded graphics for all literature in the shopping cart.

Audio BRB
The final, digitally tagged audio BRB is in final review, and will be offered on the new website.

Sales for December wer 279 e-books sold.  All tolled, we have sold 6,651 e-BRBs.

Multilingual Translations

  • Global interest in translated materials continues to grow. Translators are primarily working on free translations.
  • The entire BRB translated into Spanish will go into production soon.
  • Adult children in Greece are preparing to translate the BRB.
  • Finnish WB initial layout is complete and revisions from the Finnish team are received. Revisions will begin implementation in mid-February.

Fuller Picture - 4x4 - Affects/Effects Book Review
The Laundry List: A fuller picture of the effects and the affects of being raised in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family will remain on the website for membership review and commentary through February 2015. Thank you to all the fellowship who have been reviewing and commenting. Production is scheduled for March.

Basic Five and Six Essential Tasks
The Basic Five and Six Essential Tasks approved at the 2014 ABC is ready for pre-production. We are seeking volunteers able to write on this subject.

Workbook / Ready, Set, Go / Canadian Step Study
The Literature Committee met with members from Chicago who developed Ready, Set, Go, a message of groups working the steps, and with a Toronto group to discuss their similar group study format. Ready, Set, Go is being evaluated as a potential stand-alone, and the Toronto materials will be evaluated for inclusion in the expanded workbook.

Sincerely yours in service,

Larry A., Literature Chair, ACA WSO Trustee

Ines, Z., ACA WSO Trustee, Spanish Translation and Group Liaison

Allen C., ACA WSO Trustee, Translations

Robin R., Staff

From a space of love, I give service in ACA so that every Adult Child seeking recovery may find a safe place.

Committee Members

John M., Intergroup Set Up Guidelines Trusted Servant
Karen A., Proofreader
Linda W. Contributor
Phyllis R. ComLine
Bonnie G., ComLine
Bob B., Copyrights Coordinator

Translation Volunteers

Anna J., Polish Translation Contributor/Polish Fellowship, UK

Christine D, French Translation Contributor, Canada

Henry G., Finnish Translation Contributor, Finland

Hiroko I., Japanese Translation Contributor, Japan

Ines Z., Spanish Translation Contributor, USA

Keiko D., Japanese Translation Contributor, Japan

Stefan B., German Translation Contributor, Germany

Xanthi T., Greek Translation Contributor, Greece

On-Going Translation Groups

Finnish Danish Russian German Dutch Norwegian
Swedish Italian Japanese Portuguese Polish French
Lithuanian Hungarian Bulgarian Greek Spanish