The 2017

Annual Business  C onference  

ACA World Convention

The ABC Committee is a committee that reports to the board and is responsible for ensuring the Annual Business Conference (ABC) and ACA World Convention (AWC) are planned and held to provide the most beneficial experience to the attending delegates and ACA members.

The special 2016 ABC ComLine, which contains highlights of the meeting can be found with other past issues at

The committee has begun planning for the 2017 event already, and in the next couple of weeks will be sending out a survey to everyone who attended the 2016 ABC-AWC seeking input on ways to make them better.

After the surveys are collected and analyzed, the guidelines for bidding to host the 2017 ABC & AWC will be prepared and made available to the membership.

Bill D., ACA Boardmember and the 2016 ABC AWC Host Planning Committee Chair, will chair this committee for the coming year. If you would like to be a part of the committee that puts on the Annual Business Conference and ACA World Convention, feel free to send your contact info to [email protected].