The European Committee Report for February 2018
We would like anyone to come join us on our Skype call every 1st Saturday of the month.
Next time is the Saturday 3rd of March  at 14:00 CET
More information:

Mission Statement of WSO/EC: Aca creates a safe welcoming fellowship for those who suffer from childhood trauma giving them tools to heal

This month I had the privilege to connect a member from Panama to the Spanish service structure. He moved from Panama to Spain and would like to spread the message in both Spain and Portugal. An experience like that is why we do what we do. And we need all the help we can get.

This month we have had contact with Norway. Sweden, Germany, Finland, Austria, and the UK.

Things discussed were the traditions; what impact they have on how we treat one another in meetings, workshop; how to keep members attending the workshop through their realisations of their denial and pain. The ABC 2019 and how to build the host committee.

We are collecting data about our local fellowships to update our European Committee web site, so please send any submissions to [email protected]

We would still like to remind all countries to register their ACA meetings with the WSO please see link;

If you have any problem or questions in regards to registering your meeting and or why please contact me at [email protected]

We are finalizing our work to have chosen a candidate for our 4th European meeting and we will announce this shortly.

The minutes from our monthly call should go up on the web site shortly.


This concludes EC report

Respectfully submitted

Majbrit M

Trusted Servant