
Monthly EC Teleconference reporting for November month

DATE 8 December 14:00 CET 



A.  Call to Order:  Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear.  When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you.

1)  Open with the Serenity Prayer


2)  Tradition of the Month Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.


B.  Roll Call of European Countries:  

Chair of TC - Tanya

European Committee Present:

Tanya M - Secretary

Charlie C - EC & WSO Chair of Literature 


Majbrit – EC Chair & WSO Board Member

Jeffrey - EC Finance 

WSO members present:

Jim R - Brooklyn, Chair of ABC Committee

Roll Call of Country Representatives & Guests:

Jiri H - CZ representative 

Kaadri Liisa - Estonia

Reminder Non-committee members are welcome to listen to this teleconference but are requested to remain silent unless asked to participate. We respectfully request that guests hold their questions and comments until later in the call when we open it up for discussion. If someone needs to talk further, arrangements can be made after the end of the call.


When the call is opened for discussion, this will be your chance to have direct contact with the WSO and ask questions about anything related to our fellowship such as service structures, translations, literature, etc.

SUCCESSES from everyone!  

EC going to Bratislava for:

  1. To attend the AA Central European Region (CER) Assembly to observe and to establish rapport with the delegates
  2. to attend the small local Slovak fellowship meeting, have a discussion & aid progress towards establishing an IG and furthering translation effort
  3. to have strategic planning time F2F together

Charlie - Board in last month has authorized the Russian fellowship to print BRB

Approving their first printing as already sold 2500 books, selling as fast as printing.

Authorized contracts to design & print YWB for Greek F/ship and for German f/ship in next month Swedish YWB.

New English Trifold - Finding Emotional Sobriety for AA members on website and will be amongst the Free Downloadable tri-folds

Jim - successfully facing challenges.  2 tasks are organizing ABC in Malmo, Sweden in April.  Returning to NY.

Seeking a host to bid for 2020 in US.

Big success is realizing the opportunity to implement a more proactive process to get IGs/cities to host within the next 2-3 weeks/months?????

So they can learn from current ABC 

New document to outline the process

Needs to be 2-3 years forward as many hotels/venues are booked.

Jiri/Czech Republic - wanting to find out about Bratislava meeting & curious about their translation license.  Almost completed SMR.  Translation form may be an old one.  Preparing a recovery workshop in December in Prague.  Expect 20-30 attendees.

Kadrii/Estonia - no updates

Alexia/Germany - chair of IG & German speaking groups, Chair of Literature Committee & VC Finance, CR on EC - holding first convention for German speaking but also inviting European neighbors near Karslruhle - 26 attendees registered already.  Organising committee and service volunteers.  Finished YWB translation and waiting for layout approval for sale at Convention.  Aid of translation process - collected all translations together, then developed a workflow for translation committee and 6 level workflow.  Reported every few months to fellowship so that everyone could see development. Initially had mini-teams and only 1 native and 2 German speakers.  Some people did translation alone and 

Workflow helped structure and organization

Questions went to group conscious.

YWB done

BRB not yet proofread.  

SMR is already online on ACA website.

Had a call from a German about Nov meeting minutes - wasn’t clear about costs to attend ABC 

Jim answered - no fee for ABC.  No fee for guest and unsure if non-ACA are welcome but it’s a closed business meeting.

Hotel accommodations is paid in advance but not for ACAs 

Special workers are paid for - eg a Parliamentarian, in Toronto an audio specialist was paid for.  

Groups generally pay for delegate

ABC is open and free attendance to all ACA members. 
Costs - Swedish IG and host committee may have some fund to assist people financially to attend. They do have alternative lodging arranged.

Charlie - suggests Translation start calls in Feb. TM countered Jan best to get the ball rolling.

Jim - re what Country Liaisons want in a TC to ensure participation - they also have challenges in NY with IG participation.

Seems a worldwide phenomena getting people to do service and be informed at different levels.  Going to explore something more meeting-like so finding commonality through testimonials and ESH in business meeting.  

Trying to have electronic participation in ABC

Some of AWC world program may also be available electronically.

May be through FCC but Voting will probably be through another program.

Trippus is being used for registration and probably voting

They’re asking that ALL groups notify/register online for ABC & AWC as Swedish organizing committee are currently groping to know numbers.

You can simply say you’re going to be a delegate … and also going to AWC and you don’t know where you’re staying

Xanthia had a comment in Slack about rooms as the person making reservation has to pay the costs.  Can it be that everyone can pay separately?
Jim - let’s resolve on Slack.

Jiri - re WSO - query about reach out by host committee from Sweden, asking for keynote speakers and workshop holders for their program. 

Keynote speakers have been asked and this has been resolved. (Majbrit edits)

Motion to close meeting at 15.08

Closed with ACA Serenity Prayer.

NEXT MEETING:  DATE January 5th  14.00 CEST

Proposed Schedule for 2019 EC TCs - incorporating Country Reporting & Translation meetings

Jan -Translation SURVEY

Feb - survey discussion, Russia, Germany, Sweden

Mar - Translation   

Apr - NL, Belorussia

May - Translation

June - Spain, Lithuania

July - Translation

Aug - TBC

Sept - Translation

Oct - TBC

Nov - Translation

Dec - TBC