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Dear Board and Fellow ACA Members,
Here are the April 2021 Financial Statements for your review. Please bear in mind these are not audited statements and may be subject to revision later.

This is the most accurate information our accountants have made available at this time.

Treasurer’s Report
These Financial Statements are posted on the blue ACA service website at Click on Board Treasurer’s Report on the side menu to view this report.


Balance Sheet
In reviewing the Balance Sheet, we can see ACA WSO ended the month with $797,042 in Total Assets. The previous month was $785,584, resulting in an increase of $11,458.
Our Total Cash and Cash Equivalents (Account 1000) increased by $32,673, Inventory Assets (Account 1400) decreased by $16,137.
WSO’s Total Liabilities & Equity was $797,042 at the end of the period. This is an increase of $11.458 from the previous month. Year-To-Date net income is $82.438, which is an increase of $25.084 from the prior month.

Profit & Loss Statement – Current and Previous Month
Looking at the P&L we can see Total Income for the month was $130,800. This includes Shopify sales of $35.6k, Amazon sales of $56.6, and 7th Tradition of $33.4k. Book sales decreased $15.3k, while 7th Tradition contributions increased $13.6k from the prior month. The prior month total income was $143.4k. Therefore, Total Income decreased by $12,624, or 8.8% from the prior month.

The combined Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) was $63,479 which was less than the prior month’s $79,952 COGS due to the decrease in sales. This left WSO a Gross Profit of $67,322 before expenses.

WSO Expenses on the P&L include payroll, overhead and operating expenses. Overall WSO Total Expenses were $42,237 this month, which were higher than the prior month by $3,294. After deducting the expenses from the Gross Profit WSO was left with a net income of $25,529 for the month.
P&L Actual to Budget

This report that shows us how we are performing monthly compared to the approved budget. Our Total Income of $130.800 was $9,508 more than the Budgeted amount of $121,293, or about 7.8% more than what we budgeted. Book sales were lower than budgeted in Signal Hill and slightly higher on Amazon against the budget. The 7th Tradition Contributions exceeding Budget by $14,949. See section below regarding 7th Tradition Contribution Report.

Our expenses were 20% lower than budgeted, by $10.6k. Overall, for the month our actual Net Income of $25,084 was higher than the Budgeted Net Loss of $1,312.

If after reviewing these financial statements you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or on Slack at Justine F.

7th Tradition Contribution Report WSO received $33,366 in 7th Tradition Contributions for the month from members, groups, intergroups and regions. There were 8 contributions that were $500 or more, totaling $12,188. In addition, we received Contributions for the 2021 AWC totaling $9,043 for April. Contributions increased $13,594 from the prior month. A huge thank you to those who contributed to help ACA continue to meet the growing need of the program throughout the world.

WSO has created an electronic 7th Tradition basket using Venmo@acawso for contributions from inside the US and can still also easily accept contributions worldwide in our online shopping cart at We can also accept Zelle transfers by contacting either [email protected] or [email protected] for the details. Please let your fellow travelers know ACA depends on contributions to fund the rapidly expanding fellowship services’ needs.

To see the 7th Tradition Contributions for the month, click the link below or go to the 7th Traditions tab in the right-side menu of the website.
In closing if you are interested in service at the world level, we would welcome you to join our committee and learn more about the finances of WSO while helping us build solid bonds with our members, groups, intergroups, and regions.

In service,

Justine F., Treasurer