1. Solicitation for new lit submissions is open and will be in Oct. Traveler.
2. Voting members of Lit Com per WSO Charter: Lit Com Chair and Chairs of Lit ComSubcommittees.
3. Proposals for ComLine Blog and LPG Study Guide have not yet been reviewed by WSO Board. Board Exec Com has not seen them yet (Charlie.) Justine is working on getting them on next Thur. Board agenda.
4. New Translation Agreement has been uploaded to Slack Lit Com channel. New Agreement has some changes. Continue item to next Lit Com mtg when Dalia can be here to present.
5. Report on Lit Eval:
-Bill of Rights letter to submitters has been drafted and will be submitted to Lit Com Chair.
-Safety tent card still needs to be reviewed for fellowship comments.
-Lit volunteers list (14-16 names) from fall 2020 has been sent to Lit Eval Subcommittee Chair.
-There is an evaluation survey form for readers to fill out before taking a group conscience on the reviewed doc.
-Lit Eval Subcommittee needs diversity, especially with respect to language and culture in order to evaluate translatability.
6. Lit Com received a request for e-book publication or free download of Newcomer Booklet, Good Enough Group and other booklets. Should e-book downloads be free? Proposals on publication and pricing policy will be referred to Publishing Com. Hard copies are already available.
7. Publishing Com is collecting mistakes in LPG that have already been flagged by writer group. Some “mistakes” are policy oriented (e.g., does “respect” belong in the list of feelings?) Bonnie, chair of LPG, is working w Publishing to start collecting these comments. Greg is concerned about this type of ad hoc eval process - minor corrections are fine, but what about the policy-oriented ones? We need new policy/guidance for li review and evaluation. Charlie says author teams should go through same review and eval process in fellowship review as everyone else and not be able to make changes unilaterally. We are now working on a system to create locked-down versions of WSO docs.
8. Work is being done to vet/consolidate ballot proposals for ABC. There is also a proposal to present all ABC proposals, as initially proposed, in a single booklet. Lit Com has been asked to weigh in on this. We will discuss at a future mtg.