Treasurers Report:

It has been a busy month with treasury work.  Scott and I went to Signal Hill to talk with the staff, as you may know, and also with our book keeper, Patricia Wilshire. We were able to find out about the hours staff is working and DiAnne has made arrangements to cut back work hours.  Scott has raised the handling fee from 50 cents to $2.00.  Usually twice a month I ok the payroll for Patricia to send it out and I also take the time to transfer funds from PayPal.  I’d like to add that Larry is keeping track of the amount of e-books that have been purchased.  Be sure to check the financial report to see how well we are doing will sales of the e-books.  It takes two months for the money to be transferred from Amazon or B & N to our checking account.  I’m also working to get a form filled out so that we pay workman’s comp every month rather than waiting until we have a lump sum of arrears that happened last month and cost us over $9000.

The statistics for Nov are down/negative. However, the expenses incurred for airfare to Denmark for board members and the trip that Scott and I took to Signal Hill ($451.00 which included 3 nights at a hotel, gasoline and a meal with the staff) were the main reasons for that.  If those expenses had not happened, we would not be in the negative.  The total Checking/Savings amounts come to $109,644.90.  The current assets come to $151,860.03.  Payroll expenses were down approximately 4% compared to expenses for the year which is hopeful for trimming expenses. Click here for the detailed report