Literature Report

January 2013


As a preliminary matter, the Literature Committee would like to thank the Board and Staff for their hard work on all things relative to literature.  For example, the ACA Essentials tri-fold, brought to us by Trustee Karen on behalf of ACA Group Ten 029, was finalized with in put from Joan, will be put in the shopping cart by Scott, our Webmaster, and produced for sale by DiAnne, the Signal Hill Office Manager.


Most of the time over the last month has gone in to finalizing the first review of the audio book and sending them to the producer who will begin making revisions shortly.


The Meditation Book Project.  Report to be given by MaryJo, Meditation Book Trusted Servant and ACA WSO Trustee.  More submissions by ACAs would be greatly appreciated.  Annie (CA) is the editor.  For information, please contact [email protected].


We are unofficially exploring how we might be able to reduce shipping costs to Australian groups.


We have received a Serbian translation of ACA Is ... for which funds are being asked to verify the translation and for laying it out.


 e-BRB sales for December were 197 books sold.  All totaled there have been 846 e-BRB sold since it went live in August. 


The ComLine team is receiving submissions and laying them out.  Publication should resume early next year.  Denise (VA) has agreed to layout the ComLine and Paul (IL) has agreed to be the Articles Editor.  We need articles!


a-BRB - The first review of the audio BRB is done.  The publisher will begin editing shortly.


Circulation of Conference Approved Draft.  The drafts were or are being sent via e-mail and snail mail.  Received edits to both from Annie.


ACA Is... - Still in search for an Arabic translation.


The Updated Literature Policy pamphlet is finished and waiting for the current stock in the office being exhausted before it replaces the existing Literature Policy pamphlet.  Scott will post a new picture on the shopping cary and DiAnne will oversee production.


Danish BRB - The layout person (Robin) and Jesper are fine tuning the "look" of the Danish BRB.


The various cost saving ideas are being discussed by the Board including bundling are most popular titles and/or requiring a minimum shipment size, etc.


Spanish BRB - The committee has resumed reviewing the the BRB.  We still need a volunteer to do the first translation to Spanish of about 160 pages


Draft of Public Information Pamphlet Literature was drafted and circulated to Board members.  Mary Jo gave a substantial edit (thanks Mary Jo).  Waiting for more input before finalizing to proceed to getting it ready for presentment to the 2013 ABC.  



Sincerely yours in service,



Larry A., Literature Chair

ACA WSO Trustee



From a  space of love, I give service in ACA so that every adult child seeking recovery may find a safe place.