ACA WSO Web/database Report for the April 2013 Teleconference.

The number of registered meetings increased by another 20 meetings in March, from 1151 last month to 1179 meetings. This includes 38 new meetings being registered, plus another 64 meeting updates being processed (and yes, we again had a number of meetings also reported as closed). Once again, Gloria has been busy processing all these entries.

I continue to work with the ABC Committee to keep the web site’s ABC page current with the latest information. The web site was updated to include the 16 proposals received, and to allow meetings and Intergroups to submit group conscience ballots either online or by snail-mail. Thus far, the web site has processed 25 ballot responses as well as 56 registrations representing 43 ACA meetings and Inter Groups. With the cutoff date not until April 15, I expect more ballots to be received in the coming weeks. We also have received a duplicate set of ballots from one meeting. I will be following up with those meetings submitting duplicate entries, as well as verifying the meetings submitting ballots are actually registered with the WSO (only registered meetings and Intergroups are to submit ballots, and with only ballot each).

I also sent out a reminder email to all the registered meeting Points of Contact, thanking those who have submitted their ballots and reminding the rest to send in their ballot before April 15. In the process, I also identified another 65 invalid email addresses; I’ve sent these to Gloria to update the meeting database accordingly.

Kelso continues with the development for the “back-end” of the meeting update software. This will ultimately replace the current online meeting and Inter Group registration forms as well as the MS Access database held at the office. This will greatly simplify the meeting update process and should integrate well with the ”front-end” web meeting list once that is transferred from to

David and I have replicated the meeting list to the domain. There have been multiple issues in this migration effort, which has taken a considerable amount of time thus far. I hope to resolve all the issues before departing for the ABC.

I have also begun some upgrades to the web site in preparation for installation of a new Content Management System (similar to the Repository, but using the newest version of Joomla). The plan is to ultimately replace the main portion of the web site with this CMS system. The initial installation of the new site has been installed into a development area on the web site, and over the next few months I plan to get the relevant portions of the current web site copied into the new site (soliciting help from others in this effort), and to add some badly needed graphics for a more pleasing display. I want to thank both Leanne and Kelso for their offer to help being part of the new development team.

I continue to work GoDaddy in getting the UPS “Sure Post” module installed in the Shopping Cart, though thus far I have been unable to get a firm date from GoDaddy on when this might happen. I continue in my pestering efforts to get GoDaddy to set a planned installation date for this module.

As time allows, I also continue to update the layout of the “Repository”, including moving the critical information currently on the forum to the Repository (an admittedly slow process), and working with the WSO Board and Committee chairs enabling them to put their Teleconference reports into the Repository themselves.

As usual, it’s been busy.

See you all at the ABC.

Scott R.
ACA WSO Webmaster