Little has changed regarding the web site since the WSO ABC, so I'm including here a copy of the Report to the ABC (along with the attachments).


April 11, 2013

ACA WSO Webmaster Report to the 2013 ABC

The number of ACA meetings on the web site has increased substantially over the last six month, from 1036 in April 2012 to 1156 this month, an 11% increase in one year. ACA now has registered meetings in 40 different countries – see the attachment for a detailed list of the countries.

Web site activity has also increase over this period from 1216 unique visitors per day last April 2012 to 1874 unique visitors in March 2012, a whopping 54% increase. We had visitors from 153 different countries inquiring our web site in February 2013 -- check the attachment to see the full list of countries. I find it gratifying to see the interest in ACA occurring in so many countries.

Last March the Shopping Cart on the web site went live, replacing the old order forms. The Shopping Cart, with its visual displays, has increased book and literature sales exponentially. In December, we received and implemented an offer from Pay Pal with substantially reduced processing fees, which has also helped to reduce our overall expenses.

More recently, I’ve improved the web site to better support the ABC, including the capability to better track the balloting and registration processes, including sending out emails to ACA meeting and Inter Group Points of Contact advising them of the status. We have already exceeded the number of ballots received from last year, up from 93 ballots to 113 received (and this year’s balloting has not yet closed). We also have a record number of registrations for this year’s ABC, 54 registrations received, compared to only 26 last year.  

Looking at the web site parameters, I’m seeing increasing growth and interest in the ACA movement thru virtually all parameters.

Scott R

WSO Webmaster