Literature Report

September 2013


Most of the time over the last month has gone in to reviewing the submissions for meditation book, preparing for the PR conference and answering literature related emails. 


PR conference.  In preparing for this presentation, we are realizing some fringe benefits.  Some of the literature that will be distributed (e.g. The 25 Questions: Am I An Adult Child? tri-fold, the Public Information letter, etc.) have been translated into Spanish which we can use in our Outreach efforts, and displays and stands have been purchased that can be used at future conferences and the ABC.


The Meditation Book Project.  Meditation book is posted for commentary until October 13, 2013.  Please visit the Meditations tab on the website,

Sub-Committee Report by Mary Jo, Meditation Book Trusted Servant & ACA WSO Trustee.


Standardized Literature Look & Contact Information - Leanne, ACA WSO Trustee, is leading this team that includes Scott (Webmaster) and Robin (Layout Person) to make our literature look more uniform.  This will inform the website design team’s effort to build a new website.

Sub-Committee Report by Leanne, ACA WSO Trustee.


Spanish BRB - Coordinating between the three translating groups continues by Ines Z., Spanish Translation/Group Liaison Trusted Servant

Sub-Committee Report by Ines, Spanish Group Laison and Translation Trusted Servant.


ComLine.  Mardi has agreed to be the Online ComLine editor and is currently talking with Webmaster about implementation strategies to launch the Online ComLine

Sub-Committee Report by Mardi, Online ComLine Trusted Servant


e-BRB sales for August were 291 e-books sold.  All tolled, there have been 2,939 e-BRBs sold since it went live in August 2012. 


Public Information Trifold.  Public Information tri-fold is posted for commentary until October 15, 2013.


Cross Talk and Good Enough Booklets.  Were received and have been added to the shopping cart and the various offerings.


a-BRB - The funds have been received by production company and they have resumed making edits.


ACA Is... - Still in search for an Arabic translation.


The Finns’ books were received by them.  Teir Seond edition is due up in the queue next month.  


Sincerely yours in service,


Larry A., Literature Chair

ACA WSO Trustee

From a  space of love, I give service in ACA so that every adult child seeking recovery may find a safe place.