Adult Children of Alcoholics--World Service Organization

P.O. Box 3216     Torrance, California, 90510     (562-595-7831)


March 8, 2014

A. Called to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:00 p.m. EST by Larry A., Chairman, and opened with The Serenity Prayer.

Step Three was read by the Chairman

B. Roll Call of Board Members: Larry A., Chairman; Joan B., Vice Chair, H & I Committee Chair; Mary Jo L.,
Treasurer; Karen R., Secretary; Vonnie G., Trustee, MPS Committee Chair; Ines Z., Trustee, Spanish Liaison Subcommittee Chair and Allen C., Trustee, member of Treasurer Committee

C. Quorum established


D. Guest Introductions: Guests who chose to introduce themselves at this time included (number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis if announced): Scott, AZ, current webmaster (years); Susie, PA; Mona, Chicago, IL (since Jan., 2001); Sharon, MD (1) John M., CA (5); Laura, Orange County, CA (3 x yr for 5 years); Dennis, Ft Lauderdale, FL, (1); Martin C., England, serving on Treasurer Committee (2 years); Troy, TN (5); Pam (10); Phyllis, Prescott, AZ (numerous times and former Board member); Gloria, CA (3); Kathy, NJ.

E. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and the minutes of the February 8, 2014 teleconference meeting were approved as posted. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports:

          1. Treasurer, Mary Jo L.,: The Treasurer Committee met twice in February. There was a net increase in the assets in February, explained in the Profit and Loss section of the report; website development payments have begun; 7th Tradition donations were over $4,000 for the month. Groups were reminded to include the Group ID# if they want acknowledgement on the report.The full Treasurer Report is on the Repository. 

          2. Literature Report, Larry A.:There is continued progress with the audio version of the BRB; There have been over 4000, e-BRBs sold; Ines continues to work on the project of Spanish translations of the BRB and other ACA literature items via volunteers; and John M in California continues to work on piece of literature suggesting guidelines for starting an Intergroup and is hoping to start a discussion group about this for the fellowship via Google. He may be contacted at [email protected]  Efforts at literature standardization continues, A full Literature Committee report can be found on the Repository.

          3. Distribution Office, Gloria D.: There were 60 bounce-backs of 1200 emails sent to the fellowship regarding the ABC proposals; Sales of BRB and Workbooks have increased; Meditation Books are selling well; efforts are being made to better regulate and categorize inventory; The fullDistribution Office report may be found on the Repository.

          4. ACA Members and Public Service (MPS) Committee, Vonnie G.: Was able to take an opportunity during personal travels to drop by the distribution center and appreciated the warm welcome; World Service outreach efforts continue as well as communication with the ACA Teen group in Las Vegas, and interest in Intergroup formation; The full MPS Committee Report is found on the Repository.

          5. Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Joan B.: It was exciting to be able to get 15 books into one institution where a meeting is to begin as well as responding to other requests in February; Full H & I report can be found on the Repository.

          6. Website/Database, Scott R.: There has been progress and communication regarding the new website and instances of redirecting some of the links regarding the ABC and the events pages; Full website/database report may be found on the Repository.

          7. European Activity Report, (Majbrit M.) read by Karen R:    The European Committee continues outreach letters to many European countries; Has been assisting with information regarding phone bridge meetings; received invitation to an ACA convention being held in Latvia in September and hopes to be able to link this information to our website; continues to gather information regarding early ACA history in Denmark; and reports on ACA presence in the Netherlands. The full report is found on the Repository.

          8. 2014 ABC, Joan B.: Met with West Great Lakes Intergoup, Al and Mary Jo, per teleconference and discussed food plan, ballot submissions and timelines as well as budgeting and entertainment. Register by April 12! Full 2014 ABC Report can be found on the Repository.

          9. Executive Committee Report, (Larry A.): No report.

G. Old Business: none brought forward

H. New Business:

         Motion #1.The Board approve the purchase of a counting scale for about $350.00 and a folding machine for about $400.00 for the distribution center. (Larry)

Motion Carried (unanimous)


Guest Comments:      Dennis (FL) suggested that databases could be affordably purchased for Outreach efforts (to psychotherapists, or other professional organizations); Susie (PA) brought forth some observations regarding the BRB and Laundry List traits and questioned about how ABC location is decided and questioned about postings on the Events page of the ACA website; Mona (IL) had questions regarding agenda for 2014 ABC (not yet posted); Laura (Orange Co) presented questions of the financials and volunteered to assist in bringing supplies to the ABC and suggested that military bases may also be an outreach area to donate books or literature; Martin (England) reported an email from Micah, from Kenya Intergroup, to touch base; Phyllis (AZ) gave appreciation and encouragement to the Board for the service.

Announcements: The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled for April 12, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. EST. We also will be having the 2014 Annual Business Conference being the last weekend of April (25-27, 2014) at the campus of Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL outside of Chicago, IL.

Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made and 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 2:21 p.m. EST and closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes respectfully submitted by; Karen Ragan, ACA/WSO Board of Trustees, Secretary