

November 19, 2015

ACA WSO Teleconference Meeting Minutes 

Chair, Larry A. called the meeting to order, opened with Serenity Prayer and read Tradition Eleven:  Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, films, and other public media. 

Attendees:  Larry A, Mary Jo, Ines and Majbrit – Quorum was established.

Guest Introductions:  Paul (CT) x11; Louis (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) x1; Paula (Golden, Co) dozen times, Hasse (Copenhagen, Denmark) x3rd,John S (WI) Several times; Marti (?) Several times; Laura (Southern CA) WSO Rep for CA1162; Nancy (Montana) x1st; Bonnie (TX) x18; Tracy (NY) Group 017 x12th ; Mikko (Denmark) x1st; Joan (Iowa), Jim (So. FL) x2; Marietta (CT) x18; Mona (Chicago) Regular since 01/2011; David (Old England) Few times; Jude (New Orleans); Matt (Pittsburg WI, West Greatlakes) as Secretary x7, Denise, Special worker for MPS, x several; Jeffery (Prague) x3rd recently joined literature committee on WSO and European Committee to help with literature and finance.   

Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2015 ACA WSO Teleconference Meetings. (Ines) The motion was tabled until the next meeting for corrections - unanimous.  

Committee Reports

*John M. has resigned as Chair of the MPS Committee and Joan has stepped into that roll as MPS Chair.

** Bonnie KM has stepped into the role of Chair for the Intergroup Subcommittee of MPS

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Jo:  The Profit and Loss Statement and the Balance Sheet are posted to the repository.  P & L show a negative balance of $5,242 due to an expenditure of over $17,000 that was made for translations.  New line items on the balance sheet in the top section for the Laundry List Workbook now being sold since October 2015.  Under Executive Board Expense $2,643 will be reversed on the November statement due to a charge that was made and subsequently cancelled.  Literature Development line item adjustment to reverse an uncashed check.  No significant changes to the balance sheet except cash balance is about $20,000 less due to literature purchases in October and the loss due to translations as reflected on the P&L Statement.  No Finance Committee report as there is no committee currently.  Finance Committee looking for members, contact MaryJo at:  [email protected] if interested.  Donations/Contributions are listed on a subtab of Treasurer’s 

Report.  Email received requesting the telephone meetings listed differently, previous decision that contributions from individual telephone meetings less than $2 would not be listed individually.  End of report.  

Finance Committee- Mary Jo: No Report.

Literature Committee – Larry:  The full report may befound in the repository. John noted that he was working on the final revision of the Intergroup guidelines and has basically completed it and is now preparing it for transmission hopes to have it finished in a week.  Larry reported that the ComLine was posted and has been put into the shopping cart and it’s free. 

Spanish Translations-Ines- Ines reported that the committee is still in the process of working on translations. 

ComLine – Phyllis-  Larry reported that the 4th Quarter ComLine is on the website.  A link has been added on to the home page under “Literature” for the ComLine.  Deadline for 1st Quarter of 2016 is the end of November.  Also looking for people to share experience, strength and hope on the first three steps and traditions or anything else.  Contact [email protected] with submissions. 

ACA Distribution Office –Mary Jo: Mary Jo noted that Gloria, our special worker, has uploaded the reports on Sales.  We currently have 1,597 active meetings and 54 active Intergroups.  

ACA WSO Distribution Center Oversight Committee-Ines:   Distribution Oversight Committee established to have oversight over the distribution center including staff, shipping, etc.  Regular meetings have been established.  Distribution site visit has taken place due to the departure of the Office Manager.  Office and staffing needs currently being assessed and human resource policy and protocols being established for future hires and current staff.  

Member and Public Service - Chair, Joan:  Joan stated it was with humility and hope that she accepted the position of the MPS Chair.  MPS umbrella defined as:  MPS Outreach- Denise / Hospitals & Institutions – Joan / Intergroup Liaison – Bonnie.  Joan stated she is looking forward to working with them.

Special Worker, Denise:  From Oct. 1st thru Oct. 31 of 2015 we received 637 Emails, 687 emails were sent out and we received 171 Vonage voicemails.  The International connections made were Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom and Zambia. In regards to teamwork, she thanked the WSO and all involved in helping to provide the most helpful information to 

all the Adult Children who reach out to us for assistance as it is definitely a collective effort.  She gave a thank you to John for his service during his time as MPS Chair and welcome Joan as the new MPS Committee Chair.  And thank you to Bonnie who has volunteered to help out with email and phone calls.  Denise noted that the most common emails from the Fellowship were about finding Meetings, Meeting changes, how to start new Meetings and Literature information.  Most voicemails were about finding Meetings, Meeting changes and ordering information. 

Hospitals & Institutions -Joan:  Joan reported that for October a survey was sent out around the 11th of October to register intergroups to learn if they are doing H & I service work and get their input on what the H & I committee and Board can do to assist them.  Survey is open until December 15th.  To date 4 intergroups have responded and one of them is questionable as to its authenticity.  Considering having the survey sent to all groups as some may be doing H & I work and don’t have an intergroup connection.  Groups are still requesting assistance with setting up H & I work or have a recording providing instructions.  While the release of the H & I Handbook will assist, they are looking for the process to be step spelled out.  Currently working on how to accomplish that in a recorded and written format besides what is given in the handbook.  Suggested donating books to library’s (local, church, city, treatment programs, mental health agencies, phycologist, psychiatrist, etc.) and distributing ACA tri-folds as well in addition to getting meetings into prisons and institutions.  

Intergroup Liaison-Bonnie: Bonnie KM reported there have been 4 new intergroups registered including the only telephone intergroup based in the US (English Speaking) and Australia’s 4th intergroup.  There have been 3 inquiries related to starting intergroups.  4 Messages forward to Intergroup subcommittee through the office and private inquires cane directly to our email address at [email protected].  Total traffic through email this month has been about 35 incoming and 25 outgoing messages.  New Intergroup literature discount is encouraging intergroup activities and the most questions.  Registration processing and updates are experiencing delays.  Need to confirm that intergroups may request full order be shipped to any address (ex:  Lone Star may place an order to be shipped to Austin and one to be shipped to San Antonio.  Each would be full box orders and all would be placed through the trusted servant for that intergroup.)  Other questions were regarding:  post box deliveries; physical versus internet addresses and intergroup geography in general.  Changes in the registration since the new website launch have caused some difficulties for Intergroup.  Working on finding some type of internet space where intergroups can communicate directly sort of like a forum to facilitate sharing of experience, faith and hope amongst the intergroups.  A few options have been identified and are being discussed with Scott for feasibility.  We can be reached at 

[email protected] for any questions, concerns or comments.  Full report is in the repository.

Website and Database Committee Report- Larry:  The full report is posted the repository.  Larry reported that Scott R has provided a rich report with the main theme being consistency.  Issues regarding the shopping cart are still being reviewed for some type of fixes and also with the meeting directory.  Overall website usage by members is pretty consistent from last month.  Specific details regarding traffic can be found in the full report in the repository under the Database and Website Committee Report.  Additionally, the ComLine link has been put on the home page right under 

Literature.  There have also been some refinements in the meeting search capability such that if someone is searching for an internet meeting or a skype meeting they can select that as one of the countries to make it a little faster or easier to find that.  More space has been added to the registration from so a person can get more instruction on how to dial in and more logistical help for people who don’t know how to use or get into a skype meeting.  Larry stated there was continued progress being made on making the registration form for teleconference meetings more user friendly. Additionally, there has been a lot of traffic by members bringing translations and all of the free ACA literature including 25 Questions and Sponsorship are being translated and being uploaded.  We are reconfiguring that page to make it easier to find the different translation.  At last count there were about 10 or 11 of them posted. 

European Committee Majbrit: She noted that her computer had been down for two weeks so report is not complete at this time.  Can report that along with Will and Jeffery they are working a mission for the European Committee and plan to present that when their investigation is completed.  This is printing in Europe and how to best get the books for point A to B the smartest way and how to set up a structure that can provide for urgent questions from the fellowship regarding translation and how to secure the ACA in the local countries.  For example, in Poland they don’t have a complete translation of our text which means people are starting to do the steps from the Big Blue Book from AA additionally they have difficulty maintaining ACA meetings when people are doing the AA steps.  Majbrit is trying to provide as much support as possible by doing skype meetings, emails and phone calls to help clarify and direct using the handbook from the Big Red Book to explain and the traditions.  A full report will be posted to the repository in a few days.   If anyone wants to call, or has a question, please contact her at [email protected].  Additionally, wanted to let Jeffery know his clear vision and support have been helpful and appreciated and he is welcomed on the Board and the European Committee.

OPPM Review Committee - Joan:  The committee has been meeting on a weekly basis however a break was taken this past week.  We’re about 2/3 of the way through reviewing the OPPM to bring it up to date on current practices. MaryJo and Ines both Board Members are on this committee.  

2016 ABC Liaison Report – Larry:  A full report is in the repository.  Larry spoke to the group that offered to host and they were meeting on Tuesday to refine how they were going to approach the AWC, the ACA World Convention.  The registration packet has been loaded onto the Fellowship alerts and it’s also going to be mailed out between now and April 22nd.  We have been receiving inquiries from members asking how to do it and they’re guided to the website so they can print out and send in their forms and costs.  We are meeting in Del Ray Beach, Florida April 22 through the 24.  All on the call re invited to 

come for the Annual Business Conference and the Inaugural ACA World Convention. Forinformation, please contact [email protected] or you can find all the information under Fellowship Alerts.

Executive Committee Majbrit/Larry: Larry read from the agenda:  Board approval to order Big Red Book perfect bound version.  Bang is moving its facility in Valencia and these need to be ordered before they start their move.  

No Old Business

New Business:

  1. Motion:  Approve the price plan of the ComLine at $2 for digital downloads and hard copies.  Complimentary copies will be sent to the 7 Traditions Contributors as well as Content Contributors (Larry)

Background:  The ComLine has ceased being in production because of the lack of content and volunteers to produce it.  The revised ComLine is being produced on a quarterly basis with a volunteer editor, volunteer layout person and volunteer content contributors. And was only produced digitally as a free download during the relaunch period.  A cost analysis was conducted and calculated the cost of printing hard copies by an outside source.  The cost of a professional layout editor and assumed 200-page subscriber.  It is projected that the work of laying out the ComLine should be an expense of the ComLine effort to assure the ComLine long-term sustainability.  The WSO’s cost would be $1.70 for a semi-staffed ComLine team, paid layout person and printing/production.  It is assumed that the editor will still be a volunteer.  The $2 price point will make the ComLine minimally self-sustaining.    

No Second – The motion fails.

  1. Motion:  The Treasurer be authorized to open a second bank account with a new bank due to stricter banking regulations the Chair Person and or Secretary of the Board must also be present and in person at the bank during this process.  Additionally, the authorization of for-saying must be minuted as part of an official regular board meeting (MaryJo)

Background:  Having an account at an additional bank will insure that WSO funds will be protected should they equal more than the threshold limit of $250,000 that can be insured in one banking institution by the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC).  Fund will reach that limit as prudent reserves are expanded and further programs and infrastructure expansion are prepared for as part of the growth of the fellowship.  This is keeping with the process that most of the 12 step programs have experienced.

Second – Ines.  

       Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Motion:  The WSO Board authorize the Chair to retain MCR Business Solutions to transcribe audio recordings into minutes for the Board. (Larry)  

Background (Read by Ines):  Hiring a professional transcriber will provide a professional quality transcription and free board member’s time and energy to better focus on more pressing issues.  The Board also approved by motion the hiring of a transcription service during the October 2015 TC meeting.  

Second – Ines.

Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Motion:  To authorize the treasurer to open a credit card for WSO trustee and European Committee Chairperson, Majbrit M. of Denmark.  This will eliminate the need for wire transfer fees and allow her to directly ship H &I and other types of literature when in Europe.  It will 

also allow her to pay for other reimbursable expenses directly, all of which will be preapproved by category or specific line item.  Checks and balances will be accomplished through submission of receipts that are then balanced against credit card statements. (MaryJo)

Background:  Until now, non US trustees have either paid for expenses out of pocket and been reimbursed by wire transfer or they have received cash advances to pay such expenses.  This method requires more tracking and delays.  It can also be a problem when cash advances end up not covering the expected expenditure or when the out of pocket expenditures are smaller amounts.  In such cases we can spend a disproportionate amount to wire the reimbursement.  For example, we might spend a $35 wire transfer fee to send as $75 reimbursement.

Comment (Majbrit):  Majbrit pays an additional fees to get the money once received by the bank.

Second – Ines.

Motion passes unanimously.

This concludes our agenda.  Thank you all very much.

Any guest comments or questions?

Summary of guest comments:  Guest comments focused primarily on offering assistance with ComLine and H & I. What literature should be sent to medical personal which would be the Big Red Book or you can take some tri-folds.  Intergroup formation in Denmark. Locating Spanish speaking meetings.  

Announcements: Larry - The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled December 12, 2015at 2:00 p.m. EST.   

ABC AWC is April 22nd through 24th 2016 in Del Ray Beach, Florida.  Info in Fellowship Alerts or the Repository.  

Is there a motion to adjourn the meeting? 2nd to the motion?

Majbrit - Motions to adjourn

Mary Jo - Second the motion

Are there any questions or comments about the motion to adjourn the meeting?

Motion carried unanimously.

Closed the Meeting with the Serenity Prayer