Adult Children of Alcoholics--World Service Organization


Monthly Teleconference

Saturday, September 13, 2014

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266#   Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.

A. Call to Order:

B. Roll Call of Board Members:Larry A., Chair, and Literature Committee Chairperson; Joan B., Vice Chair and Hospital and Institutions Committee Chair; Mary Jo L., Treasurer; Karen R, Secretary; Vonnie G., MPS Chair and Trustee; Allen C., Finance Committee Member and Trustee; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Trustee; Ines Z, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair and Trustee, and Martin C, Finance Committee member and Trustee

C. Establish Quorum

D. Guests Introductions:

E. Minutes: Motion to approve the August 9, 2014 Teleconference Minutes as posted on the website. (Karen)

F. Committee Reports:

1. ACA WSO Treasurer, Mary Jo L.

2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A

                   a. Audio Book Project (Larry)

                   b. Spanish Groups and Spanish Translations Liaison, (Ines)

                   c. Intergroup Guidelines Literature (John M)

                   d. Literature Committee Production Assistant (Robin)

3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, (Sam)

4. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee,Vonnie G

5. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B

6. ACA Website/Database Committee, (Larry)

 7. European Committee, Majbrit M

 8. 2015 ABC Committee, Mary Jo

9. OPPM Review Committee (Karen)--no report

10. Executive Committee, Joan B.

G. Old Business:

      Report by Martin C., Trustee regarding the wordage in ACA's Tradition 11 in response to a 2013 ABC Committees' recommendation.

H. New Business:

Motion #1: That the Board validate for the record the Board's specific concurrence to offer the audio version of the Fellowship Text (Audio Big Red Book) via Amazon/iTunes/Audible. (Larry)

Background: The WSO received the final version of the audio Fellowship Text and are ready to roll this out. The Literature Committee will also seek to have an agency produce a version specifically for the visually impaired.

Motion #2: That in addition to offering tri-folds in multiples of 10, we also begin offering them individually for 20 cents each when the new website goes live. (Mary Jo)

Background: Because groups are free to make copies of the tri-folds, and because some groups may not actually need 10 copies of some titles, it is appropriate to now offer them individually and in multiples. This is something we have not been conveniently able to do through our current Shopping Cart program.

Motion #3: A motion to form a sub-committee under MPS. The purpose of this sub-committee would be to coordinate communications between established Intergroups in order to provide support for one another, enable Intergroups to provide support more directly with understanding and participating in the support of the World Service Organization structure, and to explore how leadership and support from the WSO Board might better serve the fellowship via Intergroup activity. (Martin)

Background: I am happy to volunteer my services to Chair this sub-committee, with one known volunteer who could act as vice-chair, and believe we will find more volunteers, individuals and Intergroups, who are willing to work with both new and established Intergroups as they explore these issues. Subsequently, the Groups and Intergroups world-wide would be more adept at carrying the ACA message appropriately to their unique environments; members may be more confident in supporting their Intergroups via service in the fellowship; there would be an establishment of a network for communication and support among groups in a more local level; Groups and Intergroups would maintain autonomy and continue to choose how to interact with the committee, other Intergroups or WSO; and the diversity of needs and responses around the world would be embraced.

Motion #4: To validate for the record, additional expenditures of approximately $530 for the August Trustee visit to the WSO Distribution Center.   (Mary Jo)

Background: The delay in asking for approval of this additional amount was due to time constraints.

Guest Comments:

