June 13, 2015

A.  Called to Order:  The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of ACA WSO was called to order at 2:00 p.m. EST by Larry A., Chairman,and opened with the Serenity Prayer. 

Tradition Six was read by the Chairman.

B.  Roll Call of Board Members:   Larry A., Chair and Literature Committee Chairman; Mary Jo L, Treasurer, and Finance Committee Chair; Ines Z, Secretary, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair; Martin C, Finance Committee Member, Chairman of the Intergroup Liaison Committee and Trustee.

C.  Quorum was established.     

D.  Guest Introductions:  Guests who chose to introduce themselves at this time included (number of TC meetings attended shown in parenthesis if known):  


E.  Approval of Minutes:  Point of Order, approval of the minutes was done after the report of the ACA WSO Literature committee. The motion to approve was amended to change the person submitting the minutes for approval to read: submitted by Joan and Ines. A motion was made and 2nd, and the minutes of the May 9, 2015 teleconference meeting were unanimously approved. (Joan and Ines)

F.  Committee Reports:
            1.  ACA WSO Treasurer, (Mary Jo L.):  The audio and Ebook funds fluctuate monthly since they do not always come in at the same time or in the same amount. The total cost of the 2015 ABC was $15,000. Funds are being set aside for future production of the PSA’s which were to be produced at the 2015 ABC. For the 2016 ABC $19,000 is being set aside. Discussion on setting money aside, place holders, resulted in that money be put to the Board before the money is set aside for specific purposes. The full report may be found in the Repository.

            2.Literature Committee, (Larry A.):Robin reported the three new offerings for the fellowship to review will be online. The next ComLine is coming out in July. Also reported is that the Italians have submitted translations of literature pieced which is being reviewed now by the literature committee. The full report may be found in the Repository.

          3. Distribution Office Report:  Sam, the office manager, resigned his position. Mary Jo reported that California has a new sick leave policy effective 7/1/2015 and she and Majbrit will be working on implementing that.

          4.  ACA Members and Public Service (MPS) Committee (Denise) No Report

          5.  Hospitals and Institutions Committee (Joan B.)  Orders were sent out to various inmates requesting workbooks and BRBs. Several emails were responded to from treatment centers seeking ACA speakers. The group or Intergroup in the area of the treatment center was given the information to handle the request. The report may be found in the Repository.

          6.  Intergroup Liaison Committee (Martin C.) Little activity this past month, The committee continues to answer questions from and about Intergroups. There are two new committee members. The full report will be in the Repository.         

            7.  Website/Database (Larry):  A quote is being sought from the developer to computerize the proposals and ballots for the 2016 and beyond ABC.

            8.  European Activity Report, (Majbrit M):  Reported new meetings in Greece and Estonia. The Latvians have a website for their Intergroup.

          9.  OPPM Review Committee, (Joan): It was reported that work continues on the revision of the 2010 OPPM. A question was raised about needing more members on the committee. Final consensus of the committee was that currently there is no need for additional help, but once the document is completed, there will be a need for reviewers of that document.

            10.  2016 ABC Committee, (Larry):  Larry reported that the Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Intergroup has expressed interest in hosting the 2016 ABC. A link will be added to the website where interested groups and Intergroups can list their desire to host the ABC. There is an additional day being added to the 2016 ABC.

            11.  Executive Committee Report: Mary Jo reported repurchase of soft-cover meditation books, workbooks, and newcomers pamphlets.

 G.  Old Business: 

H.  New Business: 

Motion #1:  To validate on the record the Board's Specific Concurrence to authorize the former web host to disconnect the old ACA web site from his server.
The motion was seconded by Mary Jo and unanimously approved.

Motion #2: To validate on the record the Board's Specific Concurrence to hire Scott as an IT Special Worker (title subject to change) as an independent Contractor.  Among other duties, the ITSW will manage all aspects of the WSO's IT needs, provide technical support for the Joomila Repository, as well update the events page.  The ITSW will also help develop and roll out the use of official email addresses for all WSO correspondence.
This motion was seconded by Martin and unanimously approved.

Motion #3:  Motion: To select Larry as the Chair of the Website and Database Committee.
This motion was seconded by Majbrit and unanimously approved.

Motion #4:  That the Board shall have monthly Working Sessions on the
fourth Saturday of every month at a time to be determined.
This motion was seconded by Majbrit and unanimously approved.

Motion #5: That the Board validate on the record the Board's decision to approve the expenditure of $295 for 10 ISBN numbers and $460 for 20 bar codes.
This motion was amended to read: That the Board validate on the record the Board’s decision to approve the expenditure for 10 ISBN numbers and 20 bar codes. The amended motion was seconded by Mary Jo and unanimously approved.

Motion #6: That the 11th Tradition be amended as approved by the delegates at the 2015 ABC: “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, T.V., films and other public media.”
This motion was seconded by Mary Jo and unanimously approved.

Motion #7: To appoint Larry A to act as the ABC Board Liaison for the 2016 ABC. Ines seconded this motion brought forward today and it was unanimously approved.

Motion #8: That we reduce the cost of the Identity Papers booklet from $2 to $1.50.  (Mary Jo)
This motion was tabled until the July teleconference. Martin stated that he thought it would be good if an imaginative way was found of dealing with this enormous amount of stock.

Motion #9: That the Board approve the expenditure of $129 to have the designer provide for the functionality of sending the purchaser an order-shipped email and an order-print capability. This motion was seconded by Mary Jo and unanimously approved.

Guest Comments:  Questions from guests included access to the 30% discount for Intergroups when ordering online, and copyright release forms. Gratitude and a “job well done” were expressed to the Board for their work.

Announcements:  The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled July 11, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. EST. 

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes respectfully submitted by;  Joan B and Ines Z.