European Report for August 2015

Our mission is to be the voice in Europe for the Fellowship of Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (ACA). From a place of unconditional love, we carry the message of the 12 steps, by supporting the growth of the European Fellowship through Member and Public Services (MPS). This is achieved by coordinating outreach activities and disseminating information to the European ACA Fellowship, professionals and the public. Providing Europe with a service structure to service these purposes. We are not organized for the private gain of any person, and function as an autonomous board for Europe, as part of the World Service Organization (WSO).

At this point in time I would like to invite anyone to step up if they want to do service on the European committee. I can be contacted on [email protected]

This month has mostly been about preparing for the European convention in Helsinki. From that event we have posted the minutes from the business meeting on the repository.

When I was in Helsinki I aimed to talk to every country doing translations, and I did. I have since spoken with Larry to move this forward. We are now investigating how much money it will cost to get machine translations from Liongate. A lot of good things came out of the event. I was very enriching to see everybody again. It’s all ways special having so many representatives from different cultures and contries. At the venue there was free wifi. And a great auditorium where it was possible to be for business and speaker meetings.

Please read in greater detail about the business meeting in the minutes from Finland.

Finland is beautiful, lots of fresh air. The airport is very modern and easy to get through. Next year we are presumably going to Russia.

Other countries I’ve been in contact with are: Sweden, Switzerland, Check republic, Norway, Germany, Estonia, Holland, UK, Denmark, Austria and South Africa.

I promised to find out if it is cheaper to send literature from Denmark to South Africa.

In Service

Majbrit M