Monthly Teleconference
November 14, 2015
2:00 p.m. EST
Access number: 712.432.0075, Pin 427266# Press *6 to mute or un-mute. Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.
A. Call to Order: Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear. When speaking, please say your name first. This will help us record your name with your input. Thank you.
1)Open with the Serenity Prayer
2)Tradition Eleven: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, films, and other public media.
1. ACA WSO Treasurer’s Report and Finance Committee, Treasurer, Mary Jo L.
2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A.
a.Spanish Translations Update, Ines Z.
b.ComLine, Phyllis
3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, Mary Jo L.
4.ACA WSO DC Oversight Committee, Ines Z.
5. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee,Denise/Joan
6. Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B
7. Intergroup Liaison Committee, Bonnie M.
8. ACA Website/Database Committee, Larry
9. European Committee, Majbrit M.
10. OPPM Review Committee, Joan B.
11. 2016 ABC Committee, Larry
12. Executive Committee, Majbrit M.
B. Roll Call of Board Members: Larry A., Chair, and Literature Committee Chairperson; Mary Jo L., Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Vice Chair and Ines Z, Secretary, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair.
C. Establish Quorum
D. Guests Introductions: Guests, while this has never been an issue with this Board, as an example to anyone who manages or attends ACA phone bridge meetings, we wish to make you aware that this conference line is used to manage and record our WSO teleconferences. A caller's phone number and name appears on a dashboard visible only to the WSO Webmaster and the WSO Board. If you do not wish to disclose your information, feel free to use your phone settings to block your caller ID, or you can also attend this teleconference using your computer. Instructions for this are on our website Repository under "Teleconference Agendas."
At this point we would like to invite all of our guests to introduce themselves by first name only and perhaps telling us where you are calling from and the number of times you have attended our monthly teleconference meetings. Guests, please introduce yourselves:
After the introductions: Non-Board members are welcome to listen to the Teleconference but are requested to remain silent unless called upon to participate. We respectfully ask that guests hold their comments until the end of our meeting. We ask everyone to press *6 if you are not speaking. If someone needs to talk further, they may do so at the close of the meeting.
E. Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the October 10th, 2015Teleconference Minutes. (Ines)
F. Committee Reports: I will ask the Committee Chairperson to give their reports. (Generally we provide 5 minutes for each report.)
Announce that John M. has resigned as Chair of MPS. Joan has stepped into the role of MPS Chair and Bonnie M. has stepped into the role of Chair for the Intergroup Committee.
- Board approval to order BRB Perfect Bound Version. Bang is moving their facility in Valencia and these need to be ordered before they start their move.
G. Old Business: None
H. New Business:
Motions for November 2015 TC
- Motion: To approve the price point of the ComLine at $2 for digital downloads and hard copies. Complimentary copies will be sent to 7th Tradition contributors as well as content contributors
Background: The ComLine had ceased being in production because of a lack of content and volunteers to produce it. The revived ComLine is being produced on a quarterly basis with a volunteer Editor, volunteer lay out person and volunteer content contributors, and was only been produced digitally as a free download during the relaunch period. A cost analysis was conducted and calculated the cost of printing hard copies by an outside source, the cost of a professional layout editor, and assumed 200 paid subscribers. It is projected that the work of laying out the ComLine should be an expense of the ComLine effort to assure the ComLine long-term sustainability. The WSO's cost would be $1.70 for a semi-staffed ComLine team (paid lay out person and printing/production; it is assumed that the Editor would still be a volunteer). The $2 price point would make the ComLine minimally self-sustaining. (Larry)
- Motion: That the Treasurer be authorized to open a second bank account with a new bank. Due to stricter banking regulations, the Chairperson and/or Secretary of the Board must also be present in person at the bank during this process. Additionally, the authorization for same must be minuted as part of an official regular Board meeting.
Background: Having accounts with an additional bank will ensure that WSO funds will be protected should they equal more than the threshold limit of $250,000 that can be insured in one banking institution by the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC). Funds will reach that limit as Prudent Reserves are expanded and future programs and infrastructure expansion are prepared for as part of the growth of the Fellowship. This is in keeping with the process that most other 12 Step Programs have experienced. (Mary Jo)
- Motion: That the WSO Board authorize the Chair to retain MCR Business Solutions to transcribe audio recordings into minutes for the Board
Background: Hiring a professional transcriber will provide a professional quality transcription and free Board members' time and energy to better focus on more pressing issues. The board also approved, by motion, the hiring of a transcription service during the October 2015 TC meeting (Larry)
- Motion: To authorize the Treasurer to open a credit card for WSO Trustee and European Committee Chairperson Majbrit M. of Denmark. This will eliminate the need for wire transfer fees and allow her to directly ship H&I and other types of literature within Europe. It will also allow her to pay for other reimbursable expenses directly, all of which will be pre-approved by category or specific line item. Checks and balances would be accomplished through submission of receipts that are then balanced against credit card statements. (Mary Jo)
Background: Until now non-U.S. Trustees have either paid for expenses out-of-pocket and been reimbursed by wire transfer or they have received cash advances to pay such expenses. This method requires more tracking and delays. It can also be a problem when cash advances end up not covering the expected expenditures, or when the out-of-pocket expenditures are smaller amounts. In such cases we can spend a disproportionate amount to wire the reimbursement. For example, we might spend a $35 wire transfer fee to send a $75 reimbursement.
Guest Comments: To allow that all of our guests have a chance to share, we will limit guest comments to 3-5 minutes. If someone needs to talk further, they may do so after the close of the meeting.
The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled December 12, 2015at 2:00 p.m. EST.
Is there a motion and 2nd to adjourn the meeting?
Close with the Serenity Prayer