
World Service Organization,Inc.


Monthly Teleconference

December 12, 2015

2:00 p.m. EST

Access number:  712.432.0075, Pin 427266#   Press *6 to mute or un-mute.  Please notify the secretary with changes, additions, or motions for this meeting.


A.  Call to Order:  Please be sure that any background noises in your area are eliminated since the sounds make it difficult for participants to hear.  When speaking, please say your name first.  This will help us record your name with your input.  Thank you.

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Tradition Twelve:  Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.



B.  Roll Call of Board Members:  Larry A., Chair, Literature Committee, Website and Database; Mary Jo L., Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair; Majbrit M., European Committee Chair and Vice Chair and Ines Z, Secretary, Spanish Liaison and Spanish Translations Committee Chair.



C.  Establish Quorum



D.  Guests Introductions: Guests, while this has never been an issue with this Board, as an example to anyone who manages or attends ACA phone bridge meetings, we wish to make you aware that this conference line is used to manage and record our WSO teleconferences.  A caller's phone number and name appears on a dashboard visible only to the WSO Webmaster and the WSO Board.  If you do not wish to disclose your information, feel free to use your phone settings to block your caller ID, or you can also attend this teleconference using your computer.  Instructions for this are on our website Repository under "Teleconference Agendas."

At this point we would like to invite all of our guests to introduce themselves by first name only and perhaps telling us where you are calling from and the number of times you have attended our monthly teleconference meetings.  Guests, please introduce yourselves: 

After the introductions: Non-Board members are welcome to listen to the Teleconference but are requested to remain silent unless called upon to participate.  We respectfully ask that guests hold their comments until the end of our meeting.  We ask everyone to press *6 if you are not speaking.  If someone needs to talk further, they may do so at the close of the meeting.



E. Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of the October 10th, 2015 Teleconference Minutes as amended. 

  • Background: The minutes were not approved at the last meeting as there was a question regarding the Executive Committee Report.  The item in question was the approval of the purchase of 100 perfect bound workbooks that would be used for H&I.  This quantity was not a larger quantity than ordered in the past.  The minutes stated the incorrect quantity (126 rather than 100).  The minutes have been amended to reflect the proper quantity. (Ines) 

Motion to table the minutes of the November 14th, 2015 Teleconference.

  • Background: A new service was approved for hire during the November 14th, 2015 TC to transcribe minutes of the TC and Board working sessions.  The transition caused delays.  These minutes should be available for approval at the January 2016 TC.


C o m m i t t e e   R e p o r t s

F. Committee Reports: I will ask the Committee Chairperson to give their reports. (Generally we provide 5 minutes for each report.)

  1. ACA WSO Treasurer’s Report and Finance Committee, Treasurer, Mary Jo L.
  2. ACA WSO Literature Committee, Larry A.  Robin R, Literature Committee Design Editor Special Worker
    1. Spanish Translations Update, Ines Z.  
    2. ComLine, Phyllis  

  3. ACA WSO Distribution Office, Mary Jo L.
  4. ACA WSO DC Oversight Committee, Ines Z.
  5. ACA (MPS) Members and Public Service Committee, Joan. Denise, MPS Special Worker Hospitals & Institutions Committee, Joan B. Intergroup Liaison Committee, Bonnie M.
  6. ACA Website/Database Committee, Larry A.
  7. European Committee, Majbrit M. 
  8. OPPM Review Committee, Joan B.
  9. 2016 ABC Committee, Larry A.
  10. Executive Committee, Majbrit M.


G.  Old Business: None


H.  New Business:


M o t i o n s   f o r   D e c em b e r   2 0 1 5   T e l e c o n f e r e n c e

  1. Motion:  That the Board validate on the record that the Chair may execute the Wyndham Boca Raton/Courtesy Agreement and the Residence Inn agreement to reserve rooms for any spill over for the ABC AWC.

Background:  The Conference Center will only have about 20 rooms and these agreements will hold some rooms to allow attendees to receive a reduced rate.


Guest Comments:  To allow that all of our guests have a chance to share, we will limit guest comments to 3-5 minutes.  If someone needs to talk further, they may do so after the close of the meeting.  


The next ACA WSO Board Teleconference is scheduled January 9th, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. EST. 

Is there a motion and 2nd to adjourn the meeting?

Close with the Serenity Prayer