Treasurer's Report

7th Tradition Contributions are listed under that tab in the left menu.  There will be an adjustment of $539.35 that was supposed to be attributed to Intergroup Sales on the P&L Statement.  There is an anomaly with PayPal that shows several contributions and no indication of where they came from.  We usually attribute anonymous contributions to the City and State, or City and Country of origin, or list them as completely anonymous if requested. But we have always had basic information. We will be researching this with PayPal. 

As always, if there is incorrect information in the list, please send me an email at [email protected] 

The financial statements are as follows:

Balance Sheet - click here ..... No significant changes

Profit and Loss Statement - click here ..... The net income for January was $23,904.  Some adjustments will have to be made because a payment for merchandise that was done outside of the shopping cart was incorrectly attributed as a contribution.  Also, over $9,000 in charges for our 3rd party fulfillment center should have been paid in December and January but were delayed until this past week due to internal miscommunication. 

Finance Committee

Members: Jeffrey F., Charlie H., David M. and Mary Jo L.  At Mary Jo's request, Bill D. has re-joined the Committee as the incoming Treasurer.

We had 2 meetings since the last TC.  Have been working on: meal per diem policy, budget, David/Amazon accounts.  We will wait for Audit results before making changes to the Chart of Accounts. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo L.

ACA WSO Treasurer