The MPS Committee meeting was called to order by Chair Bill D. at approximately 7pm EST/ 4pm PST on June 21st with the ACA Serenity Prayer. The following members were present: Bill D., Carole C., Bonnie K-M., David McB., Brody F., Susan C. and Coleen C.

There were no previous minutes to approve. The committee had been primarily interacting on the ACA Slack collaborative platform prior to this meeting.

Subcommittee Reports:

H & I - no report

Intergroups – Bonnie K-M., Texas reported that intergroups are still forming and she has had a half dozen Slack responses and plans to do more verifying work with Intergroups.

Delegate Training – Brody F., Calif has been on vacation and nothing much is happening at the moment with delegate training. Expects it will pick up as we get closer to the ABC.

Public Information – update on a second presentation being made by an ACA member/ Therapist in Southern Calif.  The acceptance of ACA as a workshop presenter at a large AA State Convention in Florida was discussed. The creation of a PSA was briefly discussed as it was an item that came from the ABC.

Member Outreach – Patrick B was unable to attend the meeting but sent an email update on the email signup list and progress on the first edition of the Traveler. The inaugural Traveler planned to go out in late July so not to coincide with the ComLine release. The email sign up list will be checked for duplicates to the meeting contact list before the first edition is sent out.

Virtual/Telephone Meetings – David McB., Florida – reported that he had been in contact with several people who represented various virtual/ telephone meetings and they were beginning to organize. Clarifying the name of the subcommittee was discussed and would be confirmed with the board.

Regions – a place is needed for them to register on the website. This will be forwarded to the webservant Jim B. for input.

 New Business

The following items were put before the group for discussion.

MPS structure – what do we want the MPS structure to be? A discussion was held that identified a committee structure. A Org chart was posted on the committee slack channel a week after the meeting.

Organization – Do we want Focus Groups under the five areas above? Yes, rather than calling them sub-subcommittees.

PSA – What message do we want to convey?  Put out a call to the fellowship to come up with suggestions for a PSA. Have the fellowship weigh in on the message. 40th anniversary theme?

Event flyers – webpage needs to be top level menu item. Refer to webservant for input and possible enhancement. Should Events and Activities be under MPS as they pertain to the group services?  Yes, most likely best place to include. Bill will talk with Jim B the webservant and see if revisions can be made.

Workshop and Information Table at 61st AA Florida State Convention July 28th thru 30th.

PTSD and Trauma ACA Presentation at Camp Pendleton Marine Base SACC Friday, June 23rd.

Over 1,200 signups for new Traveler newsletter list as of June 21st.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

The next meeting of the full MPS Committee will be on July 19th at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST at call In:  712-770-4700 Access Code: 743112#